Deccan Chronicle

UK PM plans law banning large gatherings Las Vegas Covid +ve children contract inflammato­ry disease


London, Sept. 9: UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson is planning tougher new restrictio­ns on social gatherings of more than six people in England starting next Monday, following a significan­t rise in the Coronaviru­s cases.

A law change to be introduced will ban larger groups of friends and family meeting anywhere socially indoors or outdoors, to be enforced through a £100 fine if people fail to comply and doubling on each offence up to a maximum of £3,200.

The rule will not apply to schools, workplaces or Covid-secure weddings, funerals and organised team sports, Downing Street said on Wednesday. “We need to act now to stop the virus spreading. So we are simplifyin­g and strengthen­ing the rules on

Las Vegas (US), Sept. 9: Health officials said Tuesday that eight Las Vegas-area children under age 14 who tested positive for Covid-19 since March were also diagnosed with a rare inflammato­ry condition linked with the Coronaviru­s.

The Southern Nevada Health District said all the children were hospitalis­ed and released, and the district has begun adding

social contact — making them easier to understand and for the police to enforce,” said Johnson. “It is absolutely critical that daily tallies of confirmed cases of the illness to its daily online Coronaviru­s response report.

Not all children exhibit the same symptoms, and the district said that while there isn’t a known cause, many children with the illness had Covid-19 or had close contact with someone who did. Researcher­s say the illness can cause inflammati­on of the multiple internal organs.

people now abide by these rules and remember the basics — washing your hands, covering your face, keeping space from others,

The Health District reported 61,543 cases of

Covid-19 in and around Las Vegas, an increase of

67 cases since Monday, and a total of 1,206 deaths since March.

Officials say new case rates have decreased in the past two weeks. State health officials reported no new deaths and 137 new confirmed cases of Covid

19 statewide on Tuesday. and getting a test if you have symptoms,” he said. Previously, guidance in England allowed gatherings of up to six people from different households outdoors — or two households of any size, indoors or outdoors. But until now the police have had no powers to stop them unless gatherings exceeded 30 people.

Under the new law, any group of seven or more people gathering anywhere risks being dispersed by police or fined for non-compliance.

The change applies to people in England of all ages, and to gatherings indoors and outdoors, in private homes, public outdoor spaces, and venues such as pubs and restaurant­s. The devolved administra­tions of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland set their own Coronaviru­s restrictio­ns but largely follow similar patterns as set out for England.

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