Deccan Chronicle

Sons throw out 84-yr-old mom


Unwilling to keep their

84-year-old paralysed mother in home isolation after she tested positive for the Coronaviru­s, her four sons sent her to their agricultur­al field where they set up a tent for her to stay.

The resident of Peechara of Velair mandal in Warangal Urban district, tested positive for Covid

19 during a rapid antigen test that the family underwent recently at the primary healthcare centre in Velair.

Only the elderly woman tested positive, the others were cleared. Doctors suggested that she be placed in home quarantine, and provided the family with a home isolation kit.

However, fearing the virus would spread to the other members of the family, her four sons refused to allow her into their house. They set up a tent in their agricultur­al field on the outskirts of the village and left her there on Saturday night.

Other farmers in the village who saw the 84year-old alone in the field on Sunday informed the local public representa­tives and the ANMs (auxiliary nurse midwives).

The villagers and local representa­tives tried in vain to persuade her family members to take her home. Left with no other choice, the villagers informed the police.

Inspector Md Shadulla Baba said the police went to the spot immediatel­y after receiving informatio­n and counselled her family to take care of the octagenari­an.

From Page 1 “We spoke to them and informed them about the care needed to be given to the elderly woman. We also told them that it is safe to live with a Coronaviru­s patient while taking proper care. They were convinced and agreed to take care of their mother and took her home,” the inspector said.

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