Deccan Chronicle




ARIES March 21-April 20 I t’s confusing when you’re yearning for change yet you’d like things to stay the same. You’re craving exhilarati­on, yet seeking constancy. You want action, yet aren’t sure if you’re ready to make a move. No wonder you feel pulled in different directions. There’s a good chance that you’re looking for a cake that you can both eat and save for another day! Yet, as Saturn changes direction this week, it grants you the ability to create a balance. Don’t stop striving to improve your life, but do stop worrying.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: When needs must, difference­s can be put aside and progress can occur. You’ll see that delightful­ly demonstrat­ed soon. TAURUS April 21-May 21 W hen we have too many options available we often tend to become embedded in what we know. Having lots of choices and alternativ­es open to us makes us feel overwhelme­d; so we hold on tightly to the familiar. The result is that we’re likely to ignore the opportunit­ies that float by. The same thing happens when we’re feeling uncertain; when we don’t understand something we cling on to what we’re sure of. Keep an open mind this week. As Saturn turns direct it will open your mind to valuable new potential.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You may not be sure about who is in the right over a current conflict. But you know where to direct your loyal support. GEMINI May 22-June 22 F ew people have any real idea about the amount of effort you invest in what you do. They don’t appreciate the care you take or the work you put in. You value perfection, and strive for it, even if it means exerting more effort than anyone realises. If you don’t put your heart and soul into everything you do, you can’t see the point of doing it. As Saturn turns direct this week, recent efforts you’ve made will start to gain momentum. Carry on being determined and diligent… surprising success lies ahead.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: If life lately has obliged you to reveal more of your weaknesses than you wished, now you get to be at your best. CANCER June 23-July 23 R oll up, roll up! Don't miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime offer!

Two problems for the price of one! Cancerians are in the process of letting go of a lot of their issues and troubles! Grab one before they change their minds and decide to hold on to them.' The Full Moon, empowers you to rid yourself of a difficult situation, or to adjust the dynamic in a challengin­g relationsh­ip. Don't be afraid to allow change into your life. This week, you really can be free of something you don't want or need. Be brave!

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Hooked on being needed? There are times when much is to be said for a little distance. It may lead to a healthier future. LEO July 24-August 23 A re those people who just

'go with the flow', who just take life as it comes, to be admired or deplored? It depends on what they're prepared to accept. Some issues need to be challenged; being uncooperat­ive and difficult can slow processes down and ensure that better results are achieved. Although you're feeling relaxed about most things in your life, there is an issue that you need to fight for. Even if tension is a by-product, Saturn's change of direction is a guarantee that it will be worthwhile.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You like getting attention. But is it the right sort? Look at the signals you send. You have more control than you think. LIBRA September 24-October 23 M y son’s favourite cartoon involves a character who whizzes around at great speed and to whom Incredible things happen. Perhaps that’s why children’s stories and films continue to delight grownups; they defy life’s limitation­s. The idea of being able to be in two places at once is appealing because it enables us to gain power over situations. Saturn’s change of direction means that you can at least think on your feet with much greater speed. It will get you to exactly where you need to be.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Are you wanted for who you are or for what you represent? There may be a way to turn a situation to your advantage. VIRGO August 24-September 23 H i, how are you doing?’

‘I’m good thanks… how about you?’ ‘I’m good too.’ ‘Right, I’ll be on my way then’. Such are the pleasantri­es we exchange as we go about our lives. We don’t care very much and don’t want to know the details about most peoples’ lives; we just focus on what needs to be said to keep everything ticking nicely along. But who really cares about you and how you’re doing? Saturn’s change of direction brings a meaningful connection with someone you know of old. Don’t miss the moment.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Change should emerge independen­tly. Others can support but shouldn’t push. Look at what you may change within you. SCORPIO October 24-November 22 I t doesn’t always take a bolt of lightning to create damage. It’s possible to burst a huge bubble with just a pinprick. In fact, you don’t even need a pin… a bubble will eventually burst all by itself. This week, you could wait for that to happen. But you’d be denying yourself the chance to choose the moment that change comes into your life. Saturn’s shift in direction brings you the opportunit­y to control the speed of events to your advantage. Use it to clear the scene for a delightful new arrangemen­t.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: When Scorpios have something to say, it means one thing: it is something worth saying! This week, you will be heard. SAGITTARIU­S November 23-December 21 A lthough humility is a quality to be admired, false modesty is something to be wary of. Being too self-effacing is never positive. Saturn’s change of direction brings a clear reminder that you have nothing to apogise for. Your judgment is sound and the decisions you’ve taken were made with the best intentions. If you’re still feeling anxious about the repercussi­ons, you can let go of your concerns. The more assuredly you act this week, the more reasons you’ll have to feel confident and relieved. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Might you be apprehensi­ve about someone’s attitude, even though they are nervous of you? Easier to resolve than you fear. CAPRICORN December 22-January 20 I magine that you’ve been driving, for some time, in an old car. You’ve got used to the heaviness of the steering and the amount of pressure you need to apply to the accelerato­r. This week, as your ruler Saturn starts to move forwards, it’s as if you find yourself in an upgraded vehicle. The merest touch of the steering wheel will take you in a new direction. A light presssure on the pedals will cause you to hurtle ahead or screech to a halt. Your cosmic climate is changing. Progress will be much easier. IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Are you misplacing your faith in someone? Just express your highest hope; keep a flame alive. You won’t regret this. AQUARIUS January 21-February 19 H ow deep do your conviction­s lie? What are you prepared to sacrifice for them? Would you be prepared to swim an ocean, or climb a mountain? As Saturn changes direction, it asks you to look closely at your most precious beliefs. As the horizon of what you imagine to be possible expands, you're going to need to reset your ideas and review your obligation­s. Although this might entail letting go of establishe­d ideas, the benefits far outreach the challenge. New, bigger dreams are possible.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: You are smart and sharp. You know that sometimes it is easier to lose a battle than to strive so determined­ly to win one. PISCES February 20-March 20 I t’s finally here! What took it so long? Surely you know what I’m talking about? Don’t say that you don’t know. Just have a look around you… it’s everywhere! The future you feared would never come has arrived. No matter that it closely resembles the recent past; if you look at it more closely you’ll be able to see the potential it holds. This week brings an opportunit­y. Here comes the chance you long for and deserve. The Full Moon in your sign brings a gift. Be ready to enjoy a positive approach.

IN YOUR LOVE LIFE: Has a sense of defensiven­ess characteri­sed a key part of your personal life? Tension is about to start melting away.

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