Deccan Chronicle

Irresponsi­ble leaders


Defence minister Nirmala Sitharaman created quite a stir recently when she went on virulent attack mode, saying the Congress would be solely responsibl­e if communal tensions and riots engulfed the country. Her anger rose from a false Urdu newspaper report which said at a meeting with some members of the Muslim community, Congress president Rahul Gandhi had declared the Congress was a “Muslim party”. However, Ms Sitharaman’s oblique threat of riots being unleashed is condemnabl­e. In the event, the news report was wrong. A respected historian, Irfan Habib, who attended the meeting of some Muslim intellectu­als with the Congress chief, has pointed out that the news report was in utter disregard of the facts. This brings home an important truth — that no one, is expected to go on a poisonous diatribe based on fictitious “informatio­n”. This is like spreading a high-voltage rumour.

While the defence minister was out of line, PM Narendra Modi went a step further at a rally in UP’s Azamgarh. He confirmed his defence minister’s supposed informatio­n — suggesting that the duo were acting in tandem. Mr Modi said he had read that the Congress was a “Muslim party”, according to its president, but jokingly added it was a party “only for Muslim men” as it doesn’t support the BJP’s view on triple talaq. The PM is, however, simply not expected to go public with everything he reads, without verifying the facts. That is irresponsi­ble, and regrettabl­e.

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