Deccan Chronicle

Mattis: North is not a threat yet


Washington, Dec. 16: North Korea’s latest missile test, which US experts say indicated an increasing technologi­cal sophistica­tion, did not demonstrat­e an imminent threat of nuclear attack on the United States, defence secretary Jim Mattis said on Saturday.

“No, not yet,” Mattis said when a reporter asked whether the November 29 test indicated a full capability to strike the US.

“It has not yet shown to be a capable threat against us right now,” Mattis added.

His remark suggested he believes the Trump administra­tion has additional time to pursue diplomacy before resorting to military options for eliminatin­g the North’s nuclear arsenal.

“We’re still doing the forensic analysis,” he added, apparently referring to intelligen­ce agencies’ study of imagery of the flight of the missile and its payload, which presumably included a mock warhead.

The Trump administra­tion has not publicly disclosed what it knows about what happened to the missile’s re-entry vehicle, which detaches from the missile body during flight and is designed to protect warheads from heat creating by re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere.

Shortly after the November test, Mattis said the missile flew higher than any previous North Korean test, and that it represente­d a continued effort to build a missile capable of threatenin­g the US. — AP

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