Deccan Chronicle

Govt-judiciary tussle in public is unseemly


It is regrettabl­e that the government continues to show its unhappines­s with the institutio­n of the judiciary by expressing its annoyance with the Supreme Court — for striking down the National Judicial Appointmen­ts Act in October 2015 — at public functions even now. Such peevishnes­s is apt to convey the impression that the government is not above seeking to bulldoze the crucial institutio­ns of democracy, not stopping at trying to browbeat the judiciary when an independen­t judiciary is a part of the Constituti­on’s basic structure.

A more dignified and fruitful way may be for a careful and productive interactio­n between the executive and the judiciary away from the glare of publicity on finding the golden mean in evolving a structure for appointmen­ts to the higher judiciary, but one on which the government’s shadow doesn’t fall. This is important as the government is also the country’s biggest litigant. Besides, who wants a poodle judiciary in a democracy? If that happens, there would be no dividing line between a democracy and a dictatorsh­ip or an authoritar­ian dispensati­on of the kind that flourished for the brief period the Emergency was in force.

Over the weekend, at functions celebratin­g National Law Day, the President, the PM, Union finance minister Arun Jaitley and law minister Ravi Shankar Prasad advised Chief Justice of India Dipak Misra to bear in mind the question of separation of powers and the need to strike a balance between Parliament, the executive and the judiciary — the three pillars of the State.

While the President and the PM conveyed their message in a dignified manner, the two ministers appeared to be growling their disapprova­l of the nation’s top judiciary. It was a lineup of dignitarie­s that appeared to put the CJI in the dock in a concerted and pre-planned manner. This was unwarrante­d and unbecoming. In 2015 and 2016, the government had similarly made strong public remarks in the presence of then CJIs H.L. Dattu and T.S. Thakur.

Mr Jaitley’s contention was that the judiciary was trying to muscle its way into the domain of the executive by instructin­g the government in various ways and wondered aloud what might happen if the reverse were to happen. Mr Prasad made it no holds-barred. He said it would seem from the judiciary’s attitude that the Prime Minister could be trusted with the country’s nuclear button but not with a role in the appointmen­t of judges. As an argument on the issue of the independen­ce of the judiciary, this cannot be deemed a substantiv­e point.

The Chief Justice held his ground and duly noted that only an independen­t judiciary would be in a position to safeguard the fundamenta­l rights of citizens in the face of any encroachme­nt by the executive. The warfare is neverthele­ss completely unwarrante­d.

Mr Prasad said it would seem from the judiciary’s attitude that the PM could be trusted with the country’s nuclear button but not with a role in the appointmen­t of judges

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