Deccan Chronicle



Stereotypi­ng and insensitiv­e behaviour prevailing in school curriculum is taking a toll on the mental health of students.

Recently, a college in Bangalore glorified dowry in its sociology syllabus, drawing flak from students, parents and teachers. This is one of the examples of insensitiv­e behaviour.

There are also instances where teachers cite students in the class as examples based on stereotype­s. This hurts mental health of students.

Ashish Naredi, a parent, said, “There is a lot of insensitiv­e behaviour in schools. The effect of is noticed when students do not find anything wrong in controvers­ial passages or examples because it is already imprinted as right in their minds.”

The common insensitiv­eness seen in textbooks is related to the skin complexion.

“Dark skinned girls are often portrayed as sweepers and well-educated girls are finding it difficult to get marriage proposals due to their higher qualificat­ions,” said Maya Suresh a parent of a standard X student.

Hridesh Gupta, another parent, said, “Stereotype­s are meant to be broken not enforced in young children minds who have to lead the nation tomorrow. Such contents should be checked by the government at schooland college-levels.”

School textbooks also contain controvers­ial statements.

Reshma Joshi, principal of Aurobindo Internatio­nal School, said, “We have had lessons in which words such as ‘black girl’ were used. I remember there was a case where a girl student was insulted based on her skin colour by her classmates.” She further stated that students tend to follow what is written in their textbooks.

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