Deccan Chronicle

5 commit suicide after losses in shares

Bodies of man, his son found in car; women’s bodies in bushes


THE POLICE said that they had left their homes on Monday afternoon to visit the Dindi project in Nalgonda district and return by night.

The bodies of five members of a family, which included three women and a child, were found along the Outer Ring Road on Monday morning. While the bodies of the three women were found in some bushes near Indranagar Kanche hamlet in Janwada village, the body of the man and his two-year-old son were found in an abandoned car about 2 km away at an underpass.

The deceased were identified as Patlolla Prabhakar Reddy, 35, his wife Madhavi, 27, their son Varshith Reddy, 2, Prabhakar’s maternal aunt Kondapuram Lakshmi, 42, and her daughter Sindhuja, 16. The police said that they had left their homes on Monday afternoon to visit the Dindi project in Nalgonda district. Lakshmi had called her husband and told him that they were expected to return by night.

The police believes that they committed suicide after suffering losses in the share market. An unidentifi­ed poison was mixed in the cake, soft drinks and water consumed by them, they said. Madhapur DCP Vishwa Prasad said that Prabhakar must have dumped the bodies of the women in the bushes before driving to the underpass where he and his son died.

“We found water bottles, soft drink bottles, and a half-eaten cake in the car, all of which smelt of poison. They will be sent for forensic analysis.,” he said.

Prabhakar, an MBA, had married Madhavi, an MCA, about four years ago. They had been living with their son Varshith in Ashoknagar. Lakshmi had been living with her husband Kondapur Ravinder Reddy, an employee of a private company, son Dinesh Reddy, an engineerin­g student, and Sindhuja, a first-year Intermedia­te student, at ITW Signode Colony in Ameenpur. The car in which some of the bodies were discovered belonged to Mr Ravinder Reddy.

The bodies of five members of a family, which included three women and a child, were found along the Outer Ring Road on Monday morning.

Prabhakar Reddy reportedly planned a family trip to Srisailam, and he invited his aunt and her family to join them. His uncle Ravinder Reddy had left for work, and his cousin Dinesh had left for college by then. Lakshmi called her husband at around 2 pm and told him that she and their daughter were going to Dindi. When Dinesh called her at around 6.45 pm, she told him that they were on their way home. After that, Lakshmi's mobile got switched off and the others’ phones said that they were out of coverage area.

“We searched for them all night, and we left for Dindi on Tuesday morning. Midway, we received a call from the police saying that the bodies had been found,” said Mr Ravinder Reddy.

“We are all well-settled and are strong enough to deal with any financial issues. My wife and Prabhakar were mentally strong. We are clueless about what forced them to take such a step,” he said.

Mr Vishwa Prasad said, “Prima facie, it looks like it was a collective decision made by all of them. But we need to look into why the bodies were found at different locations. It is possible that Prabhakar could have poisoned the three women, dumped their bodies, and then driven to a distance and committed suicide. All the possible angles are being probed.” A case of suspicious death has been registered .

 ??  ?? The body of Prabhakar Reddy in the car.
The body of Prabhakar Reddy in the car.

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