Deccan Chronicle

Deficit limit may be tinkered

FRBM review committee to recommend a range of 3-3.5% as target


The government may tamper with the fiscal deficit target for FY18 to give a populist budget on February 1, postdemone­tisation of `500 and `1,000 notes.

The Centre is expected to increase public spending in the budget as private investment is still not picking up to aid the economic recovery post-demonetisa­tion. It is also likely to announce tax incentives including more tax concession­s for housing loans in the forthcomin­g Budget to leave more money in the hands of the people and help the realty sector hit hard by demonetisa­tion.

It is expected that FRBM Review Committee may recommend that Centre should focus on a range of 3 to 3.5 per cent for fiscal deficit allowing the government to overshoot the target in FY18.

For FY 18, the fiscal deficit target was supposed to be 3 per cent but it may choose the upper band of 3.5 percent in the Union Budget.

FRBM Review Committee is likely to give its recommenda­tion soon and it may be part of the budget documents.

The committee had been studying the impact of the demonetisa­tion so there has been a delay in submitting its report.

In the last Budget, there was a huge debate whether the government should stick to the fiscal deficit consolidat­ion road map.

However, finance minister had chosen to stick to the roadmap and announced a fiscal deficit target of 3.5 percent for 2016-17. But he had announced a review in the working of the FRBM Act.

During the last Budget he had said: “While remaining committed to fiscal prudence and consolidat­ion, a time has come to review the working of the FRBM Act, especially in the context of the uncertaint­y and volatility which have become the new norms of global economy.”

CENTRE IN May 2016 constitute­d a five-member committee to comprehens­ively review and give recommenda­tions on the FRBM roadmap for the future.

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