Deccan Chronicle

Sanitary inspectors put GHMC to shame

Anti-corruption officials confirm many complaints


Following an order by the ministry of municipal administra­tion and urban developmen­t to probe corruption in the sanitary department of the GHMC, the Anti Corruption Bureau has confirmed receiving several complaints against GHMC sanitary inspectors and supervisor­s.

Recently the GHMC introduced an online system for recording attendance and payment of salary to workers. There were complaints before the system was introduced — of inspectors making money on this front. They recorded more number of workers in a particular ward than were on the ground. The salary of the ‘ghost workers’ went into the pockets of these sanitary inspectors.

A source from the department said, “In 24 wards of the GHMC, there are 50 sanitary supervisor­s. About 2,000 permanent staff and 16,000 contract sanitary workers report to supervisor­s. Before the introducti­on of online system, workers used to receive their salary in cash. The salary which was earlier `6,500 has been raised to `12,500. The supervisor­s also earn money from approving trade licence and bulk garbage collection fee. A sanitary inspector plays a major role in appointing sweepers on contract. A percentage of the sweepers’ salary goes to the inspector. Their illegal earnings need to be probed.”

Mr V. Ravi Kumar, ACB deputy superinten­dent of police, said that last year, based on a complaint, an ACB team raided sanitary inspector V. Krupadanam’s house and unearthed `3 crores of assets. The inspectors earn out of contracts as they are responsibl­e for sanitary equipment like dustbins.

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