Deccan Chronicle

French troops move north to confront Mali Islamists We will kill

Hostage: Somali Shebab


Bamako, Jan. 16: France’s ground troops in Mali advanced on Wednesday towards the Islamist-held north in a bid to flush out jihadist fighters after days of air strikes, as the first Nigerian contingent of a regional force was expected to deploy.

French armoured units and Malian government forces were heading towards the town of Diabaly, which Al Qaeda-linked groups seized earlier this week even as French gunships and fighter jets pounded their stronghold­s further north.

“Several hundred Malian and French soldiers left Niono (south of Diabaly) to Nairobi: Somali Islamists said on Wednesday that they have decided to execute the French intelligen­ce officer they have held for more than three years and who was the object Saturday of a botched rescue bid. The Al-Qaeda linked Shebab in a statement said they have “reached a unanimous decision to execute the French intelligen­ce officer, Denis Allex.” Paris has said the officer was most likely killed by his captors during the failed rescue attempt. take” back the town, said a local government official in Niono, while a security source announced plans to “take back Diabaly with the French.” French defence minister Jean-Yves Le Drian simply confirmed that ground troops had begun their ground offensive on the sixth day of the former colonial power’s interventi­on in Mali but was short on specifics.

He admitted however that the troops already in Mali faced a tough battle against the Islamists. — AFP

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