Deccan Chronicle


- Every Monday the best letter of the week wins 300. E-mail your letters to,, or fax them to 27805256. You can also send them to Editor, Deccan Chronicle, 36, Sarojini Devi Road, Secunderab­ad-500 003. Letters witho

The report of a woman being stripped and snapped by two of her neighbours is shocking ( Woman ‘stripped, snapped’. Jan. 14). It depicts the lack of moral values among uneducated men. Vasireddy Mahavir


By arrangemen­t with Dawn ing Shia pilgrims have occurred in the area around Mastung, which is not only the centre of hard-line madrassas, but also the base of progovernm­ent death squads, besides being the constituen­cy of former chief minister Aslam Raisani. That may also explain the ambivalenc­e of the security agencies in cracking down on groups involved in the anti-Shia attacks.

It is indeed a very dangerous game that has given huge space to the militants responsibl­e for the killings of thousands of innocent Muslims. Such a short-sighted policy pursued by Pakistan’s security agencies may have huge consequenc­es for the country’s stability. The relentless rise of sectarian violence presents the biggest threat to the country’s internal security and the menace must be dealt with by the full force of the state before it is too late.

The protests across the nation against the ghastly killings of innocent people can prove to be a turning point in Pakistan’s struggle against all kinds of terrorism. But it will depend on whether the civil and military leadership show the will to take up the challenge.

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