Dadavani (English)

The Tools Have Ended Up Causing Bondage


The businessme­n of Ahmedabad may own two textile mills, yet their suffocatio­n is so immense that I cannot even begin to describe it. They may own two mills, but there is no telling when they will fail. They had actually passed with flying colors in school, but there is no telling when they will end up failing here. This is because they have adopted the ‘ best foolishnes­s’. ‘ Dishonesty is the best foolishnes­s.’ There has to be a limit to this foolishnes­s, doesn’t there? Or do they actually have to reach all the way to the ‘best’? Yet today, they have reached to the ‘best foolishnes­s’! And there are big bungalows here, we see the cleanlines­s in the bungalows, don’t we? Similarly, there are big houses. They have many floors; the more floors there are, that much more cleaning needs to be done, and as more cleaning is needed, the internal burning increases. And then one resorts to alcohol and other things as a solution to the internal burning. So then should we not ‘admit’ [allow] the cleaning to take place? You should allow enough cleaning that even if it gets dirty, you do not worry about it. Even if your son gets it dirty, you do not need to get angry at your son. As it is, one may ask, “Shall we replace this old sofa set?” I tell them, “No, leave them!” This is because you will not have any problem if a small child ends up slashing it with a blade. On the contrary, you will tell him, “Here, slash it again.” So you will remain in the state of fearlessne­ss. Keep those things that do not end up inducing fear in you; otherwise, what Krupaludev has sung about will happen…

“Sahu sadhan bandhan thaya rahyo na koi upaay,

Sat sadhan samjyo nahi tya bandhan shu jaay?”

“Every means causes bondage, no solution remains,

As long as the eternal means is not understood, how would bondage leave?”

So, these means themselves cause bondage; neverthele­ss, there are some means that are essential. You should not remove those means. This is because they are essential. However, you should know their limit. Should there not be a limit as to how big a bungalow is built? You may have five billion rupees, but should there be a limit to how big a bungalow is built or should it be unlimited? Have you ever seen a person’s bungalow that is without any limit? No. There must be one, there must be at least someone who has one, mustn’t there? No one’s bungalow is unlimited, is it! Even a restaurant is not unlimited; a limit is placed on it. However, no limits are placed on bungalows. So what I am saying is, why do you become unlimited in this? Because this ultimately causes problems for you. If the children make a slight mess, then one becomes upset with them and keeps hitting them!

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