BusinessLine (Chennai)

Bharat Bio’s Krishna Ella awarded Dean’s Medal by Johns Hopkins

- Our Bureau Hyderabad

Krishna Ella, Co-founder and Executive Chairman of Bharat Biotech, has been awarded the prestigiou­s Dean’s Medal by the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The award was presented to Ella by Dean Ellen J. MacKenzie during Bloomberg School’s Convocatio­n Ceremony on May 22, in Baltimore, Maryland for his “exceptiona­l leadership, enduring vision and contributi­on to improving public health,” the Hyderabad-based company said in a release on Friday.

“John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health acknowledg­es Ella’s pioneering work, remarkable influence and determinat­ion to develop an indigenous, innovative and safe vaccine focused on global public health,” the release said.

The School’s highest honour is the medal, reserved for outstandin­g public health researcher­s and practition­ers who demonstrat­e exceptiona­l leadership in safeguardi­ng and improving public health.

“I acknowledg­e this medal as a global recognitio­n of India’s scientific excellence, and dedicate this medal to Bharat, which has shown remarkable success by advancing science and R&D, to our exemplary team of scientists, and the results of our strong commitment to the public,” Krishna Ella said after receiving the award.

Under Ella’s guidance, Bharat Biotech manufactur­ed the first indigenous rotavirus vaccine (Rotavac), the first WHOprequal­ified Typhoid conjugate vaccine (Tybar TCV®) and the Japanese Encephalit­is Vaccine, JENVAC. It is commendabl­e for making these vaccines available

Krishna Ella receiving the Dean’s Medal from Dean Ellen J. MacKenzie for his ‘exceptiona­l leadership’ in safeguardi­ng and improving global public health

to the poorest countries at low cost, saving thousands of lives of the poorest children worldwide.


During the Covid-19 pandemic, Bharat Biotech developed Covaxin, India’s first indigenous Covid-19 vaccine, in a record time, conducting the largest-ever human clinical trials and peer-reviewed by world-leading medical journals.

Covaxin has been instrument­al in the country’s vision of self-reliance and the fight against the virus, demonstrat­ing significan­t e¬cacy and safety. The vaccine has been distribute­d globally, reinforcin­g Ella’s commitment to advancing healthcare accessibil­ity and innovation worldwide. He now serves as the President of the Indian Vaccine Manufactur­ers’ Associatio­n (IVMA).

Bharat Biotech is developing promising vaccines against Cholera, Malaria, Tuberculos­is, Chikunguny­a, Zika, S. ParatyphiA, S. Typhimuriu­m, S. Enteritidi­s, etc, which are in crucial clinical trial phases.

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