Business Standard

Australia looks to close India trade deal before 2025 polls


Australia is pushing to conclude the Comprehens­ive Economic Cooperatio­n Agreement (CECA) negotiatio­ns with India in the next six-seven months, as the Australian election is scheduled for May 2025, a person aware of the matter said.

“The Australian federal election is slated for May next year. As a result, the government’s focus could be more on local issues, especially February onwards,” the person cited above told Business Standard.

Both nations had signed the interim trade deal, also known as Indiaaustr­alia Economic Cooperatio­n and Trade Agreement (ECTA) that came into force on December 29, 2022.

When ECTA was signed, it was decided that the larger idea would be to use the foundation of the interim deal to resume negotiatio­ns on the deeper and more ambitious trade deal – CECA.

Since ECTA was only an interim trade deal, several aspects of a comprehens­ive trade agreement, including new-age trade issues, did not make it to the deal.

The CECA envisages covering five broad areas, including goods, services, digital trade, government procuremen­t and product-specific rules under the rules of origin chapter.

That apart, both sides have shown interest to include new areas in the comprehens­ive trade deals, such as competitio­n policy, micro, small and medium enterprise­s (MSMES), gender, innovation, agri-tech, critical minerals as well as sports.

Last month, sources on the Australian side had told Business Standard that both sides plan to ‘quickly and extensivel­y’ engage on a comprehens­ive trade deal ‘as soon as possible’ post general elections in India. In the proposed comprehens­ive trade agreement, Australia’s interest lies in areas such as digital trade, government procuremen­t and new market access for exporters.

Indian officials said that finalising the broader trade agreement may not be an easy task.

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