Business Standard

‘Govt unlikely to privatise GIC Re at this stage’


General Insurance Corporatio­n of India (GIC Re) Chairman and Managing Director RAMASWAMY NARAYANAN expects the stake sale of about 10 per cent in the public-sector reinsurer to begin after the general elections. In a video interview with Harsh Kumar, Narayanan says the company’s business from GIFT City will substantia­lly increase in the coming days. Edited excerpts:

Do you think the complete privatisat­ion of GIC Re can happen in the future?

Whether the government would be open to privatisin­g us, my take is no, simply because we are now the only public-sector firm in this sector. We don't even have any other Indian reinsurers in the market. The insurance market is slated to grow at double digits for the next two decades. If that is the case, you need strong reinsuranc­e to take care of the business in this market to ensure that insurers have a lot of capacities available to them. I don’t think they would want to privatise GIC Re at this stage. They could at a later stage, pare the (government’s) share, but I don't think at any point in the immediate future, they will bring down the stake to anything below 51 per cent.

What kind of response did you get from the GIC Re roadshows? When can expect the stake sale of around 10 per cent?

The response was very encouragin­g. We never went for a deal roadshow, it was a non-deal roadshow. Though people had an inkling of what was happening. We met with big investors and analysts. Dipam officials were with us as well, apart from my own colleagues from GIC Re.

Overall it was in two legs — Asia; and the US and the UK. We had done a similar thing in Mumbai in October 2023, after which people started tracking us as a stock. They understood the story that we had to offer, and the kind of changes that were happening in the company’s performanc­e and the profitabil­ity. By when the stake sale of 10 per cent will happen is still not known. Because, one, by the time we came back, the election dates were kind of finalised. So, basically, nothing can happen now, till the elections are over. It is postelecti­on that the activity will start. It's a call for the government to take more than us.

Which market GIC Re is focusing on in FY25?

In FY25, more focus will be on the Indian market. Basically, when you look at the reinsuranc­e business, it happens in relatively big chunks. For instance, a major part of the internatio­nal market, the treaties renew on January 1 (of the calendar year), and January 1 of 2024 is gone. We kind of wrote almost the same business that we wrote last year as well. We didn’t increase simply because we wanted to wait for our credit rating to improve before we actually went out for higher business in the Internatio­nal market. But on the domestic front, we have done well. We’ve tried to find out areas the Indian market is looking for support, and where they want GIC Re to partner with them. We have supported them well. If you look at my business book, around 30 per cent is my internatio­nal book and 70 per cent is my domestic book.

What is your take on privatisat­ion of banks and insurance companies?

There are two issues with this. Let’s understand from the listing perspectiv­e, like what happened in the case of GIC Re and New India Assurance. It’s a great thing to happen, simply because it adds a lot of discipline to the way we are working. We used to be just a government company, today we have minority shareholde­rs. You start thinking about them, you start thinking about what investors expect from you. You definitely become more discipline­d in the way you do business. So, the way I look at it, the listing is definitely a plus.

Coming to privatisat­ion where the government would possibly sell off 100 per cent of a (public-sector) company, something that they did with Air India. It’s a great initiative. What the government wants to do is have representa­tion in each kind of sector. So, in case you're looking at an insurer, they would want to have one or two insurers. In the case of banks, they would possibly want to own three or four banks and the rest can be privatised. This is my take.

How’s GIFT City treating you?

We are writing some parts of the business from GIFT City. So, earlier we used to write a few of the Central European businesses from there. Now, we have shifted our business from West Asia to that branch. We used to have a branch in Dubai. That business will be written out of Gift City going forward. The amount of business that we write from GIFT City will increase. We have taken a bigger unit there. We will be having more people in order to write the business from that unit.

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