Business Standard

Besides Covid, diabetes and renal disease reduce lifespan


Diabetes and kidney diseases were among the leading causes for life expectancy to drop, other than Covid. in recent times. India’s life expectancy was 60.8 years in 1990 and 70.5 years in 2019. However, it declined to 68.7 years in 2021, primarily due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Diabetes and kidney diseases led to a decline of 0.1 years, followed by heart disease at 0.05 years and HIV/AIDS 0.02 years. Between 1990 and 2021, India lost 1.9 years and 0.75 years due to Covid-19 and other pandemic-related ailments, respective­ly, according to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021 published in The Lancet on Wednesday. It estimated mortality and years of life lost from 288 causes of death in 204 countries and territorie­s from 1990 until 2021. India gained 3.2 years due to reduced mortality from enteric or intestinal infections and also saw gains due to better management of other diseases and disorders. The age-standardis­ed rate of deaths for both males and females was 156.8 per 100,000 population. The mortality rate of ischemic heart disease was 151.1 per 100,000 in 2021. Chronic obstructiv­e pulmonary disease was next at 108.3 in 2021, followed by other Covid-19 pandemic-related outcomes (61.2), diarrheal diseases (52), and lower respirator­y infections (41.2). Life expectancy increased by 7.9 years for the country than 6.2 years globally between 1990 and 2021. Compared to the South Asian region, Brics and the top five economies (based on the gross domestic product), India’s improvemen­t in life expectancy is better. Bhutan was leading with an improvemen­t of 13.6 years, followed by Bangladesh at 13.3 years, Nepal 10.4 years and China 9.9 years. India was at fifth spot among the 12 countries.

 ?? The Lancet ??
The Lancet

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