Brighter Kashmir

DEO Sgr reviews preps for conduct of 2nd SSR of ERS- 2024


Srinagar, July 23: In order to ensure smooth conduct of 2nd Special Summary Revision ( SSR) of Electoral Rolls- 2024, the District Election Officer ( DEO) Srinagar, Dr Bilal Mohi- Ud- Din Bhat, Tuesday chaired a meeting of AROS, EROS and other Officers at Meeting Hall of the DC Office Complex, here.

At the outset, the DEO took a thorough review of Action Plan for the smooth conduct of the 2nd SSR to register all eligible electorate­s in all 08 Assembly segments of the Srinagar District.

The DEO said that the prime objective of the 2nd Special Summary Revision ( SSR)– 2024) is to keep the Electoral Roll updated and to provide an opportunit­y to get fresh enrolment of young eligible voters having attained the age of 18 or more as on qualifying date and to give opportunit­ies for correction in particular­s of electors and also to invite objections against any wrong inclusion in the Electoral Roll.

The DEO said that the Election Commission of India has instructed the necessary completion of pre- revision activities and the Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, with July 1, 2024, as the qualifying date, with effect from 25 July to 09 August.

The DEO asked the Officers to ensure the addition of new voters, inclusion of left- out voters, rectificat­ion of the photograph­s and updation/ deletion of duplicate entries before the due date as per

ECI guidelines.

The DEO also instructed all the EROS/ AEROS to create momentum regarding the exercise from the day first and supervise the process with focused attention to ensure 100% registrati­on of all eligible electorate­s and ensure no elector is left unregister­ed.

DEO further emphasized the need to complete the SSR- 2024 process within the given timeline and asked for achieving targets of Electoral Rolls particular­ly during the ensuing Special Camps being organised on 27 & 28 July and 03 & 04 August, 2024.

The meeting was attended by EROS, AEROS, Deputy District Election Officer, Officials of District Election Authority. Srinagar and other concerned.

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