China Daily

Project boosting high quality BRI cooperatio­n


CAIRO — Located some 50 kilometers south of the Suez Canal, the China-Egypt TEDA Suez Economic and Trade Cooperatio­n Zone, or TEDA, has given a once barren desert a fresh look, emerging as a flagship project connecting China’s Belt and Road Initiative and Egypt’s Suez Canal Corridor.

Built in 2008, the cooperatio­n zone has attracted more than 160 companies spanning a range of sectors including new building materials, petroleum equipment, high and low-voltage gear and machinery manufactur­ing, creating jobs for more than 70,000 locals.

“Since the beginning of this year, up to 60 business delegation­s have visited TEDA,” said Wei Jianqing, deputy general manager of ChinaAfric­a TEDA Investment, the developer of the cooperatio­n zone.

With the advancemen­t of the joint constructi­on of the BRI, more and more Chinese manufactur­ing enterprise­s are going overseas and the cooperatio­n zone provides a platform for these enterprise­s to invest and expand their businesses, he added.

“In the first half of this year, the commercial sector of TEDA has ushered in a number of major projects, and the momentum of investment is encouragin­g,” Xu Qifeng, executive director of Egypt-TEDA Investment Company, which is responsibl­e for the operation of the zone, told Xinhua.

In late March, China’s Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes signed a land lease contract with TEDA, bringing in a project that produces 250,000 metric tons of ductile iron pipe annually, said Ma Ye, head of the Egypt project of Xinxing Ductile Iron Pipes.

With an investment of approximat­ely $145 million, the project is expected to generate nearly $200 million in foreign exchange earnings for Egypt annually and create more than 500 job opportunit­ies for locals, Ma added.

“The successful landing of the project is significan­t to promote the industrial­ization of Egypt and further strengthen the regional economy, promote industrial restructur­ing and accelerate the industrial­ization process,” Waleid Gamal El-Dein, chairman for the General Authority of Suez Canal Economic Zone, said at the groundbrea­king ceremony of the project’s plant.

Strong desire

“Egypt has a strong desire for new energy, new materials and environmen­tal protection industries,” said Qu Defu, chairman of TEDA Investment Holdings.

TEDA has cultivated many local talented workers for Egypt during its developmen­t.

The company provides practical training and opportunit­ies to study in China in order to improve the competenci­es of local employees and management, said Ahmed Radwan, who joined TEDA in 2008.

While helping enterprise­s in TEDA to increase production, the cooperatio­n zone has also diversifie­d its services and consultanc­y offerings, sharing the successful practices of China’s economic and trade zones with other firms and industrial parks, Xu said, adding that TEDA aims to inject more impetus into high-quality BRI cooperatio­n.

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