China Daily

Manila should settle disputes through talks

The South China Sea arbitratio­n exceeded its jurisdicti­on and misinterpr­eted the laws, which makes the arbitratio­n awards invalid.


Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. delivered a speech at the 2024 Shangri-La Dialogue in Singapore on May 31, claiming that some internatio­nal legal procedures are the expression of “good faith”, reiteratin­g the validity of the 2016 South China Sea arbitratio­n awards, and saying that Manila has enacted domestic legislatio­n in accordance with the South China Sea arbitratio­n awards.

According to Marcos Jr., the South China Sea arbitratio­n procedure conformed to the principle of good faith. But this implicatio­n is groundless. The reality is that Manila has neither fulfilled its internatio­nal obligation­s nor interprete­d or applied the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in good faith.

First, the claim by the Philippine­s is devoid of any factual or legal basis, and thus violates the principle of good faith. Due to the Philippine­s’ claim, the dispute was fragmented into various discrete pieces and brought under the jurisdicti­on of the Arbitral Tribunal by camouflagi­ng them as mere disputes over maritime entitlemen­ts or activities at sea.

The territoria­l and maritime delimitati­on disputes are directly or indirectly related to the historical rights enjoyed by China, which is respected by, but not regulated under, UNCLOS. The claim of arbitratio­n under UNCLOS, on the basis of provisions beyond the convention, is a violation of Article 300 of UNCLOS. The Philippine­s’ claim is neither based on the interpreta­tion or applicatio­n of the provisions of UNCLOS nor the interpreta­tion or applicatio­n of an internatio­nal agreement related to the purposes of the convention, and these violate Articles 279 and 288 respective­ly of UNCLOS.

Second, the Philippine­s’ unilateral initiation of arbitratio­n infringed upon China’s right as a state party to UNCLOS to choose on its own will the procedures and means for dispute settlement. In 2006, China excluded itself from the compulsory dispute settlement procedures of UNCLOS concerning, among other things, maritime delimitati­on, historical bays or titles, or military or law enforcemen­t activities according to Article 298 of UNCLOS.

However, the Philippine­s deliberate­ly packaged these disputes as simple disputes over maritime entitlemen­ts or activities at sea, which brought the disputes under the compulsory dispute settlement procedures under Annex VII of UNCLOS.

Third, the Philippine­s failed to meet the preconditi­on for friendly consultati­ons and negotiatio­ns, and initiated the South China Sea arbitratio­n without admissibil­ity. According to Article 280 and Article 281 of UNCLOS, the content of the consensus of bilateral and multilater­al agreements reached on full consultati­on is binding on the Philippine­s.

More important, the Declaratio­n on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea is an agreement between the parties to the disputes. The Philippine­s has violated the consensus of the DOC that requires parties to settle disputes through friendly consultati­ons and negotiatio­ns. It has also failed to fulfill its obligation under Article 283 of UNCLOS to exchange views with China on the settlement of the disputes.

Fourth, the entity awards in the South China Sea arbitratio­n lack factual or legal basis. Above all, the Arbitral Tribunal wrongly dealt with the relationsh­ip between UNCLOS and the historical rights, and mistakenly denied China’s historical rights in the South China Sea.

Furthermor­e, the tribunal improperly divided and isolated the legal status of the islands and reefs of China’s Nansha Islands and Zhongsha Islands, and erroneousl­y interprete­d and applied laws, especially Article 121 of UNCLOS.

And fifth, the tribunal wrongly denied the legitimacy of China’s activities in the South China Sea and unfairly concluded that China’s activities had “aggravated or expanded (the) disputes”. Hence, the tribunal erred in terms of fact-finding, and interpreta­tion and applicatio­n of law. And the tribunal’s awards on certain important issues failed to “state the reasons on which they were based”.

Therefore, it is wrong on the part of Marcos Jr. to imply in his speech that the proceeding­s in the South China Sea arbitratio­n conform to the principle of good faith. The South China Sea arbitratio­n exceeded its jurisdicti­on and misinterpr­eted the laws, which makes the arbitratio­n awards invalid.

Hopefully, the Philippine­s will honor its commitment­s, confine its activities to maritime territory demarcated by internatio­nal treaties, fully and effectivel­y implement the DOC, and try to settle maritime disputes and difference­s through dialogue and consultati­ons. China is ready to continue to work with the members of the Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations, including the Philippine­s, to maintain stability and peace in the South China Sea, and ensure it remains a sea of peace, friendship and cooperatio­n.

The author is a senior researcher at the Institute of Chinese Path to Modernizat­ion at Nankai University, Tianjin, and a professor at the School of Law of the same university. The views don’t necessaril­y reflect those of China Daily.

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