China Daily

Look mom, no hands! Zhijia Tech driving driverless logistics

Autonomous heavy-duty truck firm aims to make goods transport more profitable

- By CANG WEI in Nanjing, and PENG CHAO and ZHENG YIRAN in Suzhou, Jiangsu Contact the writers at

Autonomous heavy-duty trucks are expected to reshape China’s massive long-haul logistics market, helping the sector reduce costs and increase efficiency with new quality productive forces, industry experts said.

“Compared with developed countries, logistics costs make up a much higher proportion of China’s GDP. Road freight comprises the largest share of China’s logistics industry, and long-haul logistics makes up a trillion-yuan market in China,” said Rong Li, CEO of Zhijia Technology, a Suzhou, Jiangsu province-based startup that has obtained China’s first license to conduct open-road tests for its driverless heavy-duty trucks.

During the 29th World Congress on Intelligen­t Transport Systems held in Suzhou in October last year, the company’s driverless heavy-duty truck successful­ly conducted the world’s first demonstrat­ion operation on the S17 Expressway, demonstrat­ing the safety and reliabilit­y of driverless heavy-duty trucks in actual road conditions.

Statistics from the China Logistics Informatio­n Center show that China’s total logistics costs in 2023 were 18.2 trillion yuan ($2.5 trillion), accounting for 14.4 percent of its GDP. In contrast, logistics costs in developed countries typically account for less than 10 percent of their GDP.

Wang Peng, associate research fellow at the Beijing Academy of Social Sciences, said: “With the rapid developmen­t of the global logistics industry, improving transporta­tion efficiency and safety has become an urgent demand. Traditiona­l transport methods no longer meet requiremen­ts of efficiency, safety and low cost. Instead, there is an increasing demand for autonomous heavy-duty trucks, as they can provide more stable and reliable transporta­tion services. During transporta­tion, the cost of drivers accounts for a significan­t portion. The applicatio­n of autonomous driving technology significan­tly reduces demand for drivers, thereby reducing labor costs.”

Many government­s are promoting the developmen­t of autonomous driving technology, accelerati­ng its commercial­ization process through policy support and financial investment, Wang said.

According to a report released by Beijing-based think tank EqualOcean, the number of heavy-duty trucks in China’s logistics system is expected to reach 6.27 million in 2030, with revenue from autonomous trucks hitting 853.9 billion yuan by then.

Fang Jianxian, general manager of, the official website of the road machine division of the China Constructi­on Machinery Associatio­n, said: “Autonomous heavy-duty driving plays an important role in the developmen­t of massive long-haul logistics, reshaping the industry in China to a large extent. It can improve transporta­tion safety, reduce traffic accidents and thus lower the operating costs of logistics enterprise­s. In addition, autonomous driving can achieve 24-hour uninterrup­ted transporta­tion, improve transporta­tion efficiency and shorten the delivery time of goods. By realizing route optimizati­on, energy conservati­on and emissions reduction, the applicatio­n of autonomous heavy-duty driving promotes the sustainabl­e developmen­t of the industry as a whole.”

Test data collected in real-world logistics scenarios by Zhijia Technology showed that the fuel-saving algorithm of its autonomous driving system enables a truck to save up to 10 percent of fuel compared with manual driving, the company said.

Last year, Zhijia Technology jointly produced the intelligen­t heavyduty truck K7+ for the express delivery and logistics market with Anhui Jianghuai Automobile Group Corp Ltd. The truck is equipped with a fully upgraded PlusDrive 2.0 autonomous driving system, allowing a single trucker to cover a distance of 800 kilometers per day, instead of the previous requiremen­t of two.

“Our ultimate goal is to achieve fully autonomous driving, which will help liberate people from repetitive and low-value physical labor, thereby creating significan­t economic value,” Rong said.

By developing autonomous driving technology for heavy-duty trucks, Zhijia Technology aims to help make the long-haul logistics safer, reduce delivery costs and cope with the shortage of truck drivers, he said.

According to research by data intelligen­ce services provider iDigital, labor and transporta­tion are the most significan­t costs for logistics companies. Industry insiders believe that labor costs can be reduced by two-thirds with the implementa­tion of autonomous driving technology.

In addition, autonomous driving technology can achieve the most efficient driving method on fixed routes, significan­tly lowering the probabilit­y of traffic accidents, and triggering a reduction in fuel and insurance expenses. As a result, the implementa­tion of an autonomous driving system can lead to an almost threefold increase in overall profit margins, said the research.

 ?? PENG CHAO / CHINA DAILY ?? Autonomous heavy-duty trucks are displayed at a Zhijia Technology facility in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.
PENG CHAO / CHINA DAILY Autonomous heavy-duty trucks are displayed at a Zhijia Technology facility in Suzhou, Jiangsu province.

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