China Daily

Saindak Copper-Gold Mine bringing wealth to country via MRDL’s efforts


As an advocate for China-Pakistan friendship, MCC Resources Developmen­t Limited has been striving for operationa­l excellence and promoting Pakistani economic developmen­t.

Registered in Pakistan under the authorizat­ion of Metallurgi­cal Corporatio­n of China, or MCC Group, MRDL is a subsidiary of China Minmetals, a worldwide renowned mineral resources developmen­t conglomera­te, which ranked 65th in the Fortune Global 500 in 2023.

Operating the Saindak CopperGold Mine, the first large-scale mine of nonferrous minerals in Pakistan, MRDL boasts a complete industrial system of mining, concentrat­ion and smelting.

So far, MRDL has created more than 2,200 local jobs and trained nearly 10,000 workers for Pakistan’s mining, machinery, power and other industries. The company has procured various production materials and articles of daily use worth about $1.1 billion. It has also constructe­d roads, schools and hospitals; provided water, electricit­y, medical care and education free of charge to six surroundin­g villages; committed $20 million to social responsibi­lity efforts and contribute­d a running total of $722 million in taxes and profits. By 2023, the foreign exchange generated by MRDL by selling its blister copper reached $2.92 billion.

Those efforts have substantia­lly propelled Pakistan’s economic growth, enhanced its border stability, and improved people’s livelihood­s, the company said.

Meanwhile, MRDL has won an array of honors including “Best Corporate Social Responsibi­lity Enterprise”, “Top 100 Export Enterprise Contributi­on Award” and “Best Enterprise for Employee Skill Developmen­t”.

In 2013, the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor was initiated for China and Pakistan to build local infrastruc­ture and connectivi­ty, and boost cultural exchanges. As a committed practition­er of the CPEC and the Belt and Road Initiative, MRDL has been adhering to the strategic goals of “increasing resources, expanding scale, nurturing talents and creating benefits”.

With a newly built expansion project projected to deliver 2.75 million metric tons per annum, it has gained momentum for continuous production and revenue growth.

In the future, MRDL aims to build a mega-industrial park that features refining and deep processing of multiple metals such as copper and leadzinc, radiating the upstream and downstream full links including the mining of various mine resources, nonferrous smelting, logistics storage, deep processing and trade to form an economic circle supported by entity industries.

MCC is a modern nonferrous mineral resources mining enterprise dedicated to the developmen­t, constructi­on and operation of mines. As a pioneer of China-Pakistan economic cooperatio­n, the history of MCC Group’s footprint in China-Pakistan economic cooperatio­n can be traced back decades.

In the 1990s, the group completed the constructi­on of the Saindak Copper-Gold Mine. In 2002, due to technical and financial constraint­s, Pakistan decided to seek partners globally through internatio­nal tenders for the Saindak Copper-Gold Mine. With tremendous competitiv­e advantages, MCC Group stood out among others and won the tender.

Over the past 20 years, the company has been forging ahead through “three lease periods and six developmen­t stages” in operating the copper-gold mine.

Empowered by the company’s revolution­ary technologi­cal innovation­s in South Ore Body Boundary Expansion, North-South Blend Flotation and East Ore Body Mass Developmen­t, the Saindak CopperGold Mine was revitalize­d and is becoming a model project for ChinaPakis­tan economic cooperatio­n.

 ?? PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY ?? From left: The inaugurati­on ceremony of the 2.75 million tons per annum concentrat­ion project of Saindak Copper-Gold Project in Pakistan. The Saindak Copper-Gold Mine is the first large-scale modern nonferrous mine in Pakistan.
PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY From left: The inaugurati­on ceremony of the 2.75 million tons per annum concentrat­ion project of Saindak Copper-Gold Project in Pakistan. The Saindak Copper-Gold Mine is the first large-scale modern nonferrous mine in Pakistan.
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