China Daily

Istanbul sees record tourist arrivals


ISTANBUL — Turkiye’s bustling city Istanbul set a record by welcoming 5.2 million foreign visitors in the first four months of 2024, signaling promising prospects for the country’s ambitious tourism goal for this year.

Istanbul’s unique allure has resulted in a notable 10 percent increase in visitors during the January-April period compared with last year, according to data from the Ministry of Culture and Tourism.

The ministry’s recent data also revealed that the number of foreign tourists increased by 11.75 percent in the whole country, reaching 10.7 million in the same period.

Hamit Kuk, chief adviser to the president of the Turkish Travel Agencies Associatio­n, or TURSAB, said this remarkable influx underscore­d Istanbul’s enduring appeal, signaling a broader rebound in tourism.

“Achieving an annual growth rate of 10 percent is not just desirable, but (also) essential for our industry’s revitaliza­tion after the pandemic,” Kuk told Xinhua.

“June appears hovered for exceptiona­l occupancy rates, and as we approach July and August, the peak of the tourism season, optimism is already soaring in the city,” he said.

Spanning across the continents of Europe and Asia, Istanbul with a population of 16 million, is uniquely situated along the Bosphorus Strait, adding to its rich cultural and geographic­al significan­ce, Kuk noted.

Istanbul, a captivatin­g metropolis, pulsates with life round the clock and boasts a history, rendering it one of the world’s oldest cities, Kuk noted, adding that “its alluring charm also lies in its vibrant culinary scene, offering a tapestry of flavors that enchant visitors from around the globe”.

Russia, Germany and Iran had the highest number of visitors to Istanbul this year, followed by the United States, France, Britain, and Saudi Arabia.

Promotiona­l activities

Yildirim Tas, a TURSAB board member, emphasized that Istanbul should increase its promotiona­l activities to attract tourists from diverse regions worldwide.

“Travel agencies can arrange charter planes for destinatio­ns within a four-hour flight radius. However, we encounter challenges in enticing tourists from distant regions due to the higher cost of flight tickets beyond this duration,” Tas said.

To tackle this problem, he suggested that Turkiye ramp up its promotiona­l efforts, like producing documentar­ies showcasing Istanbul on YouTube and other online platforms.

Speaking at an event in Istanbul last Thursday, Culture and Tourism Minister Mehmet Nuri Ersoy said Turkiye’s tourism income reached some $56 billion in 2023, up 12 percent from the previous year, while the number of tourists hit 56.7 million.

 ?? YASIN AKGUL / AFP ?? A tram on rails in Taksim Istiklal Avenue in Istanbul on May 15. The iconic red and white tram on Istiklal street, loved by tourists, makes way for a more modern one while remaining true to the original aesthetics.
YASIN AKGUL / AFP A tram on rails in Taksim Istiklal Avenue in Istanbul on May 15. The iconic red and white tram on Istiklal street, loved by tourists, makes way for a more modern one while remaining true to the original aesthetics.

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