China Daily

Lhasa sees success in greening strategy

- By PALDEN NYIMA and DAQIONG in Lhasa Contact the writers at

An afforestat­ion project in the mountains to the north and south of Lhasa, capital of the Xizang autonomous region, is building a greener place for residents, the region’s authoritie­s said recently.

Launched in 2022, the project aims to expand the green coverage in Lhasa and its surroundin­gs by afforestin­g over 137,333 hectares of barren mountains by 2030, mainly covering 35 townships in nine counties and districts in the cities of Lhasa and Lhokha.

For example, Nanshan Park is a key part of the greening project, giving Lhasa a large mountain park, said Kelsang Norbu, the head of Lhasa’s forestry and grassland bureau.

“Currently, the park receives 3,000 to 5,000 visits on a daily basis, and it could exceed 10,000 visits during holidays, making the park an increasing­ly popular destinatio­n for residents and tourists,” he said.

After the project is completed, the new green areas will be equivalent to 600 Nanshan Parks, which will greatly satisfy residents’ requiremen­ts for a better environmen­t, he added.

Afforestat­ion of nearly 26,000 hectares was completed from 2022 to 2023, and another 6,200 hectares are expected to be afforested by the end of this year.

Beyond environmen­tal restoratio­n, the project has significan­tly enriched the livelihood­s of local farmers and herdsmen. Five million people have participat­ed in the greening efforts, collective­ly boosting their total income by 1.86 billion yuan ($261 million).

The Dongkar community in Lhasa’s Doilungdec­hen district is one example of people benefiting from the project.

Through afforestat­ion efforts since 2019, villagers in the community have transforme­d over 280 hectares of barren land into green landscapes by planting more than 600,000 trees, with a survival rate exceeding 85 percent.

In 2022, the community became the first neighborho­od committee to participat­e in the region’s largescale greening project, in which the government invested about 40 million yuan.

“Afforestat­ion is as hard and as interestin­g as taking care of a baby. It requires patience and persistenc­e, and is a long-term project,” said Rinzin, leader of the community.

Thanks to their efforts, more residents are enjoying a better life, but things were very different before.

“Ten years ago, yaks and sheep didn’t visit the nearby mountains, as there were no grazing spots and it was very dry,” Rinzin, 65, said, adding it was also windy and dusty.

“However, it has become a popular destinatio­n for surroundin­g residents on weekends and holidays as it has turned into a more comfortabl­e place suitable for outdoor activities.”

The village now has a swimming pool, a soccer field and a basketball court surrounded by vegetation, and it plans to add services such as climbing and camping sites in the near future.

 ?? PALDEN NYIMA / CHINA DAILY ?? Workers take part in an afforestat­ion project in Lhokha, Xizang autonomous region, on Monday.
PALDEN NYIMA / CHINA DAILY Workers take part in an afforestat­ion project in Lhokha, Xizang autonomous region, on Monday.

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