China Daily

Peking Opera joins industrial era

Performanc­e centers on port operations and brings new vitality to traditiona­l art form, Cheng Yuezhu reports.

- Contact the writer at chengyuezh­

At Qingdao Port in Shandong province, there are numerous containers being loaded, discharged or transporte­d day and night, yet normally no one is in sight.

The modern Peking Opera production Nongchao (Riding the Tides) sheds light on the port, which is the first fully automated container terminal in Asia, and Zhang Liangang and his Liangang Innovation Team, who made it come true.

Coproduced by the port’s owner, the Shandong Port Group, and the Qingdao Performing Arts Group, and performed by the Qingdao Peking Opera Theater, the production graced the stage of the China National Opera House in Beijing on May 18.

The storyline revolves around Zhang, a senior expert of the port group and a key figure in the developmen­t and constructi­on of the automated terminal. Back in 2013, Zhang took on the challenge of leading a team to build an automated terminal, despite undergoing lung cancer surgery five years previously.

At the time, the crucial technologi­es were dominated by industrial giants of developed countries. Without any resources, experience or external support, Zhang led a team of 25 in a pioneering effort to develop their own solutions.

After countless meetings, plans and tests, the team completed a detailed terminal design in just 15 months, and the terminal was put into service in 2017, with worldleadi­ng operationa­l efficiency.

Zhang’s inspiring story and unwavering commitment led to the Peking Opera production. After the performing arts project was initiated, the production crew, led by Lu Ang, chief director and professor at the Shanghai Theatre Academy, embarked on a field trip to the port to gain insight into its constructi­on and operation.

“I went on the trip with more than 20 questions prepared, during which many things moved us deeply. In fact, many stories on stage now are based on the real experience­s of real individual­s,” Lu says.

Apart from how Zhang Liangang led the team through challenges while personally battling adverse health conditions, Lu found the experience­s of the other members from the Liangang Innovation Team touching, pioneering and inspiring.

Examples of these real stories include that of team member Xu Yongning, who works at the port constructi­on project during the day and looks after his ill wife at the hospital at night, or that of Li Yongcui, the only female engineer of the team, who leads a sub-team in the developmen­t of the equipment control system.

Entering the team’s work environmen­t also gave the production crew a sneak peek into the harshness of working conditions. Scriptwrit­er Wang Yong, who is director of the National Peking Opera Co, says that even ascending the tower crane was a petrifying experience, let alone working on one, especially when the crane shakes during windy or rainy weather.

“When we truly walked in their footsteps, we found so many moments that stirred emotions within us. China’s port industry is indeed the dream of several generation­s, and this is what we have always wanted to convey in our subsequent creation process — it’s not just about one individual, but about teamwork,” Lu says.

As it is a modern Peking Opera production, one of the greatest challenges in the creation process is how to retain the essence of Peking Opera, including its vocal techniques and acting skills, while presenting a contempora­ry story taking place in an industrial hightech setting, according to Lu.

The production’s compositio­n and vocal design are undertaken by Zhu Shaoyu, a national-level inheritor of the Peking Opera intangible cultural heritage project.

To ensure efficiency and high quality, Zhu worked closely with the director and scriptwrit­er at every stage. Often, when a segment of lyrics was written, Zhu would immediatel­y begin working on the compositio­n, making adjustment­s as needed, rather than waiting for the entire script to be finalized.

“Within the character types of Peking Opera, I made sure that three of them, sheng (dignified male role), dan (dignified female role) and jing (male role with face paint), had their own solo passages to cater to the preference­s of Peking Opera fans,” Zhu says.

“In terms of music, we aimed for a modern, experiment­al approach, because the production centers on a contempora­ry subject. We boldly incorporat­ed a choir, a symphony orchestra, and even elements of electronic music.”

As the story is set against an industrial­ized port backdrop, Jin Sa, the production’s stage designer and a professor from the National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts, decided to adopt primarily digital projection, instead of traditiona­l stage settings, to present the dynamics of the contempora­ry industry, as well as to highlight the narrative.

First initiated in 2022, the production made its premiere in April 2023, under the title Oriental

Grand Port, and was honored as an excellent production at the 10th Chinese Peking Opera Arts Festival last year. The crew continued to make refinement­s to the production and the performers kept honing their acting and singing.

At a roundtable discussion on May 19, the production received critical acclaim from performing arts experts and scholars.

“Seeing its polished version this year, I believe that this production has achieved a pioneering fusion of Peking Opera, industrial themes and performing arts expression­s. Especially in the field of Peking Opera, it is very difficult to make such a breakthrou­gh,” says Cui Wei, former secretary-general of the China Theatre Associatio­n.

“My greatest takeaway is that through artistic expression, the production presents the philosophy behind the constructi­on of Qingdao’s automated port and the dedication of technical and industrial workers. Only those who innovate can progress and succeed. This embodies the spirit and vitality of China.”

For the production’s future performanc­es, apart from making improvemen­ts, Lu has a vision that it can become a resident production in Qingdao in the long term.

“During our last field trip, we arrived at the old port of Qingdao near the city center. There, we saw several former granary buildings, which were being renovated into cultural venues, and I asked whether we could reserve one of the buildings as a theater,” Lu says.

“Qingdao is a tourist city, and Qingdao Port is a significan­t cultural emblem of the city. We hope that this production, after making further refinement­s, could be performed on-site at the port. This would allow visitors from home and abroad to learn about the specific history of Qingdao’s port constructi­on.”

 ?? PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY ?? From top: The cast of modern Peking Opera Nongchao (Riding the Tides) takes a curtain call at the China National Opera House in Beijing on May 18; the production centers on Zhang Liangang, a senior expert at the Shandong Port Group, and his Liangang Innovation Team; and a digital set design enhances the story’s contempora­ry industrial setting.
PHOTOS PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY From top: The cast of modern Peking Opera Nongchao (Riding the Tides) takes a curtain call at the China National Opera House in Beijing on May 18; the production centers on Zhang Liangang, a senior expert at the Shandong Port Group, and his Liangang Innovation Team; and a digital set design enhances the story’s contempora­ry industrial setting.
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