China Daily

Biden’s electionee­ring may put brake on Israel


Hours after Hamas fired a barrage of rockets into Israel from Gaza, which set off air raid sirens as far away as Tel Aviv for the first time in months, Israel bombed refugee camps in the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Sunday killing at least 35 people, mostly women and children, according to Palestinia­n sources.

Although the latest bombing of Rafah was a retaliatio­n against Hamas’ earlier attack, all signs clearly show that, despite the wide opposition of the internatio­nal community, the Israeli government is set on carrying out its war plan in Gaza to the end, in a bid to eliminate Hamas in Gaza and make the Palestinia­n enclave a buffer zone for the security of Israel.

Yet in doing so, it risks losing the support of the US, as US President Joe

Biden will not want the civilian dearly toll in Gaza to continue rising as the presidenti­al election draws near.

Biden told the media earlier this month that if Israel goes into Rafah, “we’re not going to supply the weapons and artillery shells used”, due to concerns about the well-being of the more than 1 million civilians sheltering there.

Israel has relied on the support of the US for its military operation to eliminate Hamas in Gaza, with Washington happy to oblige as it is using Israel as its hatchet man to eliminate hostile forces supported by Iran, its archenemy in the region.

Yet for all the Biden administra­tion’s virtue signaling, it must have given Tel Aviv its endorsemen­t to label the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East as a terrorist organizati­on.

Knesset, Israel’s parliament, is set to hold a preliminar­y vote in which it is expected to designate the UNRWA as such.

That speaks volumes of the US’ hypocrisy regarding the suffering of the Palestinia­ns in the region, as the UNRWA is the main relief service provider for the 5.9 Palestinia­n refugees in the Middle East.

Last week, waves swept away a US floating pier newly installed on the Gaza coast to transfer aid to the strip zone. The constructi­on of the floating pier cost $320 million and was completed about two weeks ago.

If the US really cared about the humanitari­an concerns in Gaza, it should have long stopped providing offensive weapons to Israel and pressed it to open all land crossings to Gaza and to secure aid trucks going in.

The floating pier easily destroyed by waves is nothing but an irony exposing the callousnes­s of the US.

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