China Daily

Trilateral efforts urged to embark on new journey

- By CAO DESHENG in Seoul

Premier Li Qiang has underlined the need for China, Japan and the Republic of Korea to accelerate trilateral cooperatio­n to embark on a new journey of all-around developmen­t and make greater contributi­ons to regional prosperity and stability.

Li made the remarks on Monday while addressing the ninth ChinaJapan-ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting in Seoul. Boosting economic ties among the key regional players topped the meeting agenda.

During the meeting, Li, together with ROK President Yoon Suk-yeol and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida, revived the trilateral dialogue that had been suspended for over four years due to the COVID-19 pandemic and disputes among the Asian neighbors.

While jointly addressing the media with the other two Asian leaders after the meeting, Premier Li said the three countries need to enhance economic and trade connectivi­ty, strengthen cooperatio­n on regional industrial and supply chains, and work for the restart of negotiatio­ns on a trilateral free trade agreement.

He also said the three countries need to deepen scientific and technologi­cal cooperatio­n and step up cooperatio­n in frontier areas, such as artificial intelligen­ce, the digital economy and the green economy.

“We should make further efforts to foster a favorable environmen­t conducive to enduring peace and stability,” Li said.

“It is important that the three countries properly handle sensitive issues, difference­s and disagreeme­nts, accommodat­e one another’s core interests and major concerns, and practice true multilater­alism, to jointly safeguard security and stability in Northeast Asia and to promote peace and tranquilit­y in the region and beyond,” the premier added.

China is the largest trading partner of the ROK and Japan, with the trade volume with each of them exceeding more than $300 billion in 2023. Together, the three countries make up about 25 percent of global GDP and 20 percent of global trade.

While calling for strengthen­ing collaborat­ive innovation and cooperatio­n in frontier areas, Li said that China will establish a China-JapanROK Innovation Cooperatio­n Center to support the three countries in accelerati­ng the cultivatio­n of new innovation drivers.

He called on the three countries to make good use of their respective developmen­t advantages, actively respond to the needs of Associatio­n of Southeast Asian Nations member countries and other nations in the region, and create new engines of regional cooperatio­n.

Regarding tensions on the Korean Peninsula, the premier urged all parties to play a constructi­ve role, stay committed to easing tension, work for the early resumption of dialogue, push forward the process for a political settlement of the issue, and uphold regional peace and stability.

The three countries released the Joint Declaratio­n of the Ninth ChinaJapan-ROK Trilateral Summit Meeting, the Joint Statement on a 10-Year Vision for Trilateral Intellectu­al Property Cooperatio­n, and the Joint Statement on Future Pandemic Prevention, Preparedne­ss and Response.

The leaders reaffirmed the importance of maintainin­g the steadiness and continuity of trilateral cooperatio­n, and they agreed to deepen partnershi­p in areas such as cultural and people-to-people exchanges, sustainabl­e developmen­t, the economy and trade, public health, science and technology, and disaster relief.

They pledged to resume the trilateral negotiatio­ns on a free trade agreement, jointly promote East Asian cooperatio­n, work together to tackle climate change and other global issues, and promote the steady growth of relations among China, Japan and the ROK.

The three countries also agreed to designate 2025-26 as the China-Japan-ROK Years of Cultural Exchange.

Experts expressed hope that the trilateral platform could play a role in managing difference­s and preventing regional tensions from escalating, as the three nations agreed to hold trilateral summits and ministeria­l meetings on a regular basis.

Woo Su-keun, head of the Institute of East Asian Studies of Korea and president of the Korea-China Global Associatio­n, said that the resumption of trilateral cooperatio­n will create a more favorable environmen­t to allow dialogues and cooperativ­e frameworks to proceed in the future.

Considerin­g the importance of the three countries in East Asia, trilateral or bilateral cooperatio­n frameworks can be considered as a very important foundation for preventing and easing regional tension, and for coexistenc­e and mutual benefit based on stability and cooperatio­n, Woo said.

Kumiko Haba, professor emeritus at Aoyama Gakuin University in Tokyo, said that to maintain peace in East Asia, it is essential to have summit meetings as well as efforts on local government exchanges, youth exchanges, frequent dialogues and economic cooperatio­n.

 ?? SHEN HONG / XINHUA ?? Premier Li Qiang (right), Republic of Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol (center) and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida meet the media on Monday in Seoul after attending the ninth Trilateral Summit Meeting.
SHEN HONG / XINHUA Premier Li Qiang (right), Republic of Korea President Yoon Suk-yeol (center) and Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida meet the media on Monday in Seoul after attending the ninth Trilateral Summit Meeting.

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