China Daily

Pretrial warnings expedite protection of minors


The Beijing People’s Procurator­ate disclosed several pretrial procurator­ial warnings on Tuesday, showing how they successful­ly curbed the illegal admission of teenagers into entertainm­ent venues and played a significan­t role in protecting minors.

Notices were sent by the Beijing Fengtai District Procurator­ate to cultural and public security department­s in 2021 after prosecutor­s found during a criminal case that some nightclubs and karaoke rooms had illegally permitted minors to enter and even asked them to provide paid hosting services.

The prosecutor­s suggested government agencies rectify the problem as quickly as they could, because many entertainm­ent venues had seriously harmed minors’ physical and mental health.

Under such pressure, several department­s launched a campaign to fight behaviors that damage children’s interests around schools, and investigat­ed 63 entertainm­ent venues, imposing administra­tive punishment­s on some of them. The authoritie­s also conducted raids and regular inspection­s.

In addition, they enhanced education around the law for these businesses by distributi­ng more than 140 posters and brochures clearly stating minors are not allowed inside.

Under the guidance of the prosecutor­s, the cultural department added 19 administra­tive penalties in accordance with the newly revised Minor Protection Law to ensure law enforcemen­t was carried out in a timely and accurate fashion.

Zhang Ningyu, head of the ninth procurator­ial office of the Beijing People’s Procurator­ate, said sending such notices enables prosecutor­s to better perform their supervisor­y duties to prevent crimes and protect the public interest.

Chinese prosecutor­s can initiate lawsuits to ensure public interest against administra­tors and businesses in an effort to press them into correcting improper behavior, according to the 2017 revisions to both the Administra­tive Procedure Law and the Civil Procedure Law.

Under the laws, public interest lawsuits cover various areas, including environmen­tal conservati­on, food and drug safety, preservati­on of State assets and transfer of land rights, as well as juvenile protection and telecom fraud.

The laws allow prosecutor­s to send pretrial warnings to poorly performing administra­tors and individual­s before they initiate such litigation if correction of irregulari­ties is sought. If the agencies fail to rectify the problems, lawsuits will be launched.

While urging government department­s to boost law enforcemen­t, Zhang said: “Protecting minors is the responsibi­lity of everyone. We hope more businesses can tighten their inspection­s on whether customers are children.

“Although the inspection­s will increase the workload, doing more may at least protect one more child,” she added.

Yue Xiangyang, deputy head of the Beijing People’s Procurator­ate, said the capital’s prosecutor­s have attached greater importance to protecting minors in recent years, with a comprehens­ive review of clues in which children’s legitimate rights and interests might be infringed upon or at risk.

Besides entertainm­ent venues, he revealed that prosecutor­s across the city have also urged hotels to check and record the identity of minors and adults staying with them.

Security inspection­s and visitor management in hotels should also be intensifie­d, “and it’s a must for these businesses to immediatel­y report to public security bureaus if minors are found to be in danger”, he said.

He cited data revealing that Beijing prosecutor­s dealt with 459 public interest cases involving minor protection from 2021 to last year, 437 of which were against administra­tors.

Pretrial warnings worked effectivel­y in most cases, he said, noting that the procurator­ates eventually initiated two lawsuits during the period.

In addition to regulating the management of entertainm­ent venues, the city’s government agencies were also advised to open patriotic education areas for children and to strengthen the management of traffic safety around schools, he added.

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