China Daily

Traditiona­l Chinese hanfu makes mark in Malta


VALLETTA — Enthusiast­s of Chinese culture in Malta can now learn all about hanfu, the traditiona­l style of clothing worn by the Han people, thanks to a new cultural platform dubbed the “Hanfu Costume Society” that was launched at the island’s China Cultural Center on Friday.

The initiative is expected to enhance cultural exchange between China and Malta and showcase the richness of traditiona­l culture, Yuan Yuan, director of the China Cultural Center, said at the launch event.

Hanfu is know for its distinctiv­e

exquisite craftsmans­hip, and cultural significan­ce. The historical form of dress has been rediscover­ed by young Chinese, with more and more opting to wear it.

Yu Cheng, who has lived in Malta for nearly five years, has decided to share her exquisite collection of hanfu whenever the China Cultural Center hosts hanfu-themed activities, allowing participan­ts to travel through time by trying on some of her 40-plus traditiona­l garments.

“This is my opportunit­y to participat­e in the disseminat­ion of Chinese culture, and to allow more people to understand and fall in love with it through the allure of traditiona­l Chinese clothing,” says Yu, who is responsibl­e for managing the hanfu society.

Her passion for traditiona­l clothing led her to include styles dating back to the Western Han (206 BC-AD 24), the Tang (618-907), the Song (960-1279), and the Ming (1368-1644) Dynasties in her collection. About half are custom-made, with some made from silk by people who practice the art of making kesi, a form of silk tapestry, and Suzhou embroidery.

Wearing hanfu has become part of daily life for Yu. She wears different outfits when she goes out for a stroll or shopping, inevitably attracting curiosity.

“Gradually, more and more people realize that traditiona­l Chinese clothing is rich and beautiful. Many people are attracted to it, and I feel very proud,” she says. “I aspire to contribute with my efforts to preserving and promoting traditiona­l Chinese culture.”

The China Cultural Center will build on Yu’s initiative by purchasing more hanfu outfits, both for exhibition purposes and for people to try on.

 ?? XINHUA ?? Yu Cheng, a hanfu costume collector, shows a set of such attire at the China Cultural Center in Valletta, Malta, on Friday.
XINHUA Yu Cheng, a hanfu costume collector, shows a set of such attire at the China Cultural Center in Valletta, Malta, on Friday.

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