China Daily

Extreme weather, lowest rainfall take toll on Amazon

- By SERGIO HELD and GERMAN SANCHEZ in Bogota For China Daily The writers are freelance journalist­s for China Daily.

The Amazon rainforest, home to an unparallel­ed diversity of flora and fauna, is under severe strain due to a combinatio­n of heat and the lowest rainfall in more than four decades. The extreme drought is having a devastatin­g impact on the Amazon basin’s rivers and biodiversi­ty.

The picture of the region’s water resources is grim. In Brazil’s Amazonas state, rainfall ranged from 100 to 350 millimeter­s below average. This led to a significan­t drop in river levels, posing a threat to the livelihood­s of indigenous communitie­s that rely on the rivers and disrupting the natural functionin­g of the ecosystem.

“We have been dealing with this since last year,” said Andres Losada, manager of Fundacion Amazonas Sin Limites (Amazon Without Limits Foundation).

“Last year’s effect was caused by the ‘La Nina’ weather phenomenon, which impacted river levels all the way from their sources to their outflows into the ocean. It is catastroph­ic to see what climate change is doing to the entire ecosystem, including the river, affecting over 1 million people. In Peru, Colombia, and Brazil, we do not have effective programs against this type of phenomenon. The issue of global warming and river pollution affects our coexistenc­e,” he added.

The drought has triggered a humanitari­an crisis across the Amazon region. On the Brazilian side of the rainforest alone, more than 590,000 people currently face a state of emergency, with many communitie­s struggling to access drinking water and food.

Reduced river flows have hindered transporta­tion, making it difficult for people to access essential services.

“The situation is really worrying,” said Laura Gomez, an environmen­tal engineer and researcher at Colombia’s Alexander von Humboldt Biological Resources Research Institute. “The water levels are exceptiona­lly low. It’s an unpreceden­ted situation with more sandbanks than water.”

The drought has also eroded biodiversi­ty, particular­ly across parts of the forest in Bolivia and Peru, and rivers like the Solimoes, Purus, Jurua, and Madeira in Brazil.

The reduced water flows and altered habitats have forced many species to relocate to more suitable areas, leading to an overall decline in biodiversi­ty.

“A sequence of extreme heat waves is exacerbati­ng the impact of the lack of precipitat­ion, and the average temperatur­e is abnormally high for the austral spring,” said a recent report from the European Union’s Joint Science Center published on Dec 20.

Austral spring denotes the season of spring in the southern hemisphere when the highest amount of ozone is lost. The season usually begins in September.

“From July to September 2023, all Amazon basin countries recorded the lowest rainfall in over 40 years. Satellite data showed widespread vegetation stress across the basin, particular­ly affecting southeaste­rn regions and extending into Bolivia.”

Experts warn these challenges may worsen in the coming months, as the expected El Nino phenomenon this year could intensify drought conditions and further endanger the fragile Amazon ecosystem.

Maryory Pantevis Giron, territoria­l director of Amazonas state at Corpoamazo­nia, the environmen­tal regulatory body on the Colombian side of the Amazon, said more precise weather and environmen­tal monitoring is needed to address future challenges.

 ?? EDMAR BARROS / ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Residents carry food and water supplies amid drought in Careiro da Varzea, Amazonas, Brazil, on Oct 24.
EDMAR BARROS / ASSOCIATED PRESS Residents carry food and water supplies amid drought in Careiro da Varzea, Amazonas, Brazil, on Oct 24.

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