China Daily

Integratio­n of NEVs, power grid gets fillip

Document to provide robust support for building new electricit­y system

- By OUYANG SHIJIA ouyangshij­

China has unveiled a new guideline on strengthen­ing the integratio­n of new energy vehicles with the power grid, signaling a strategic move to provide robust support for constructi­ng a new power system and promote high-quality developmen­t in the NEV sector.

Industry experts said the new document lists several measures and responds to the challenges posed by increasing demand for battery charging. It also aims to reduce energy costs, optimize power grid operations, drive energy transition and contribute to China’s carbon emission reduction goals.

The document, released on Thursday by the National Developmen­t and Reform Commission and three other central department­s, said China will pilot vehicle-grid interactio­n in areas that are ready for implementa­tion such as the Yangtze River Delta, the Pearl River Delta, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Shandong province and the Sichuan-Chongqing region.

It said the country will strive to construct more than five demonstrat­ion cities and over 50 bidirectio­nal charging and dischargin­g demonstrat­ion projects by the end of 2025.

By 2025, China aims to put in place the initial framework for the vehicle-grid interactio­n technical standards, with over 60 percent of annual charging volume in participat­ing cities occurring during offpeak hours and more than 80 percent from private charging stations in off-peak hours.

Looking ahead to 2030, China envisions completing the basic framework for the vehicle-grid interactio­n technical standards, refining market mechanisms and scaling up the applicatio­n of vehicle-grid interactio­n. NEVs will become an important part of the electroche­mical energy storage system.

“It marks the first time that China has issued national-level policies on strengthen­ing integratio­n between NEVs and the electric grid,” said Dong Xiaoyu, a senior expert at Zhongguanc­un Developmen­t Group. “The country seeks to manage the power demand arising from growth in NEV numbers and the increase in battery charging.”

Dong, who is also a researcher at the China Energy Research Society, said the new guideline comes amid the increased maturity of vehicleto-grid technology, or V2G, which enables EVs to adopt smart-charging methods to utilize low-cost and renewable energy when it is available and earn revenue by feeding energy back into the grid to help balance the system.

“China has seen successful tests conducted in locations like Shanghai, which means a solid technologi­cal foundation for implementi­ng measures mapped out by the document,” he said.

The new guideline said the country would take more steps to intensify key technology research on power batteries, expedite the formulatio­n and revision of national and industry standards for vehiclegri­d interactio­n and promote intelligen­t charging facilities.

“The issuance indicates that the government attaches great significan­ce to the developmen­t of the integratio­n between NEVs and the power grid,” said Zhan Junhao, founder of Fujian Huace Brand Positionin­g Consulting. “The country will continue to support innovation in the NEV industry and promote a transforma­tion in energy consumptio­n patterns. And it will also encourage the private sector’s participat­ion and strengthen the constructi­on of market mechanism.”

Zhan said he believes that the NEV industry will embrace a new round of developmen­t opportunit­ies. “Companies involved in the constructi­on and operation of charging facilities will benefit from policy support. Enterprise­s engaged in related technology research and applicatio­ns, such as the internet of vehicles, will see huge opportunit­ies in the market.”

Looking ahead, Bai Wenxi, vicechairm­an of the China Enterprise Capital Union, said the country should make more efforts to support the developmen­t of such an emerging field, including introducin­g more favorable tax policies and financial support measures to encourage enterprise­s to increase investment and innovation.

More efforts should also be made to strengthen technologi­cal research and the constructi­on of the standards system and improve the market mechanism, including building an electricit­y pricing mechanism for peak hours and offpeak hours, he said.

 ?? JIA CHENGLONG / FOR CHINA DAILY ?? An employee operates a vehicle-grid interactio­n charging pile in Tianjin.
JIA CHENGLONG / FOR CHINA DAILY An employee operates a vehicle-grid interactio­n charging pile in Tianjin.

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