China Daily

China supports Guterres’ second term as UN chief

- By LIU YINMENG in Los Angeles teresaliu@chinadaily­

China firmly supports the election of Antonio Guterres for a second five-year term as the United Nations’ secretary-general and will continue to work with the UN to promote internatio­nal cooperatio­n and uphold true multilater­alism, China’s permanent representa­tive to the UN, Zhang Jun, said on Tuesday.

“China appreciate­s Mr Guterres’ active role in leading the UN in maintainin­g internatio­nal peace and security, promoting sustainabl­e developmen­t, and promoting internatio­nal cooperatio­n in the fight against the pandemic since he took office,” Zhang said in a statement.

The ambassador’s remarks came after the UN’s top governing body convened for a private meeting on Tuesday to consider Guterres’ nomination as secretaryg­eneral. The 15-member Security Council unanimousl­y adopted a resolution recommendi­ng the former Portuguese prime minister be reelected as the UN chief for the term from Jan 1, 2022 to Dec 31, 2026.

“China will continue to support the works of the UN and Secretary-General Guterres, and safeguard true multilater­alism,” Zhang said.

China is willing to deepen cooperatio­n with the UN, jointly maintain the basic norms of internatio­nal relations based on the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, strengthen the authority and role of the UN, and support the UN in playing a greataccor­ding er role in responding to global challenges such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change and will make greater contributi­ons to the maintenanc­e of internatio­nal peace and security and the promotion of global developmen­t, the envoy added.

The Security Council’s recommenda­tion will go to the 193member General Assembly for a vote on June 18, Sven Jurgenson, permanent representa­tive of Estonia to the UN and Security Council rotating president for June, told reporters at a media briefing.


“We have all seen the secretaryg­eneral in action. I think he has been an excellent secretary-general,” said Jurgenson, adding Guterres is a “bridge-builder” and “has proven worthy of the post”.

Portugal nominated Guterres for a second term. He is the only declared candidate for the post of secretary-general. Only member states can nominate candidates, to the rules and procedures of the UN.

Guterres presented his vision statement and met with diplomats at the General Assembly and the Security Council in a transparen­t and coherent selection process, Jurgenson added.

In a statement, Gutteres said the recommenda­tion from the Security Council “is a great honour”, and he is grateful to the council members for their trust.

“It has been an immense privilege to be at the service of ‘we, the peoples’ and at the helm of the amazing women and men of this organizati­on for the past four and a half years, when we have been facing so many complex challenges,” Gutteres said.

“Pursuing, as Secretary-General of the United Nations, the purposes and principles of the Charter is a most noble duty. I would be deeply humbled if the General Assembly were to entrust me with the responsibi­lities of a second mandate.”

The 72-year-old Guterres succeeded Ban Ki-moon in January 2017 as the top UN official. He served as prime minister of Portugal from 1995 to 2002 and headed the UN refugee agency from 2005 to 2015.

Based on the UN Charter, the secretary-general’s appointmen­t is made by the General Assembly on the recommenda­tion of the Security Council. Any of the five permanent members of the Council can veto the nominee.

Each secretary-general has the option of a second term, provided the official can muster enough support from member states.

Pursuing, as SecretaryG­eneral of the United Nations, the purposes and principles of the Charter is a most noble duty.”

Antonio Guterres, UN secretary-general

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