China Daily

Scholars: Confuciani­sm offers modern-day, global solutions

What they say


The wisdom of Confucius, dating back more than 2,500 years, can be borrowed to solve the world’s problems today and to protect cultural diversity amid the process of globalizat­ion, said officials and internatio­nal scholars at the eighth World Confucian Conference held last week in Qufu, Shandong province, the hometown of the ancient Chinese philosophe­r and educator.

The theme of the conference was “Confuciani­sm and a community of shared future”. More than 250 researcher­s took part in the event, including 96 people from over 30 countries and regions.

“Confuciani­sm, created by Confucius, has had a profound influence on Chinese civilizati­on, and has become a key part of traditiona­l Chinese culture,” said Wang Shengjun, vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, at the opening ceremony.

He said Confucian influences have been felt far beyond China and Asia, as the scholar was highly lauded by a number of Western thinkers, such as Voltaire, Montesquie­u and Rousseau, and has made a significan­t contributi­on to the progress of human civilizati­on.

China’s Minister of Culture Luo Shugang said in a keynote speech at the conference that Confucian ideas can play an important role in promoting internatio­nal exchange and that Confucian culture, focusing on harmony, will help to build a community based on a shared future.

He called for an improved system to pass down Chinese traditiona­l culture and protect cultural heritage.

The Chinese government has been seeking national governance-related wisdom by learning from Confucian ideas, as well as other traditiona­l cultures and altitudes.

“No country can stay aloof or immune from the current economic complexiti­es and many other global problems, such as regional conflicts, environmen­tal challenges and a shortage of natural resources,” Wang Shengjun said.

“To build a community based on a shared future, we need nutrition from all the cultural fruits that humankind has created, including Confuciani­sm, and to seek solutions through cultural exchange.”

Tu Weiming, an AmericanCh­inese scholar of Confucian studies and a professor at Peking University, said the spiritual humanism rooted in the Confucian tradition is “an insight worth exploring”.

“Spiritual humanism underscore­s dialogue, reconcilia­tion and harmony by advocating the Confucian idea of unity of heaven and humanity, a sense of reverence toward heaven, respect and care for the Earth, and a community based on trust,” he said

Tu added that “the time is ripe for us to engage in dialogues on core values”.

“The universal values embodied in the Enlightenm­ent mentality of the modern West, such as liberty, rationalit­y, legality, rights and the dignity of individual­s, should be compared and enriched by other universal values embodied in spiritual humanism, such as rightness, sympathy, civility, responsibi­lity and social solidarity.

“The emerging global community is highly differenti­ated by primordial ties. As a result, plurality and multifacet­edness characteri­zes the cultural scene throughout the world.”

Johnny Montalvo Falcon, a professor at ESAN University

 ?? PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY ?? The eighth World Confucian Conference philosophe­r. was held last week in Qufu, Shandong province, the hometown of the ancient Chinese Wang Shengjun, vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee
PROVIDED TO CHINA DAILY The eighth World Confucian Conference philosophe­r. was held last week in Qufu, Shandong province, the hometown of the ancient Chinese Wang Shengjun, vice-chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee

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