China Daily

Abe’s dream of change to constituti­on failing test of public opinion

- The author is China Daily Tokyo bureau chief. Cai Hong

In his first speech to Congress last week, US President Donald Trump kept asking friends and partners from Europe to the Middle East to the Pacific to pay their “fair share” of the cost of the alliances.

“And now, based on our very strong and frank discussion­s, they are beginning to do just that,” he said. “In fact, I can tell you the money is pouring in.”

Japan’s lower house approved on February 27 the budget bill for fiscal 2017 starting on April 1, with the defense spending rising for a fifth straight year to a record 5.1 trillion yen ($45 billion), or 1.4 percent increase from the previous fiscal year.

Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe told the Diet, the country’s parliament, that under his administra­tion there is no thought of keeping the defense budget below 1 percent of GDP, referring to an informal threshold seen as a curb on military spending.

As early as January 25 when he responded to questions on national security in the upper house, Abe made clear his will to enhance Japan’s defense to play a greater role in its alliance with the US. He called the alliance the “cornerston­e” of Japan’s foreign and national security policy.

So it is no surprise that he welcomed Trump’s plan to boost Pentagon spending by a “historic” $54 billion or 10 percent.

“Strengthen­ing the Japan-US alliance through the increase (in defense spending) will be positive for the peace and prosperity of not only Japan and the United States but also the Asia-Pacific region,” Abe said flattering­ly at a session of House of Representa­tives Budget Committee on Thursday.

Public opinion matters for Abe’s dream of changing Japan’s Constituti­on, as any amendments would still have to be approved by a national referendum.

Japan’s 2017 defense budget will cover a new amphibious force and nextgenera­tion military hardware such as a sea-based ballistic missile intercepto­r system known as the Standard Missile-3 Block 2A, co-developed by Japan and the US.

The drastic shift in the Abe administra­tion’s defense policy is at odds with the country’s Constituti­on, which bans Japan from maintainin­g military potential, or from using force as a means of settling internatio­nal disputes.

Abe knows it well and is ready to clear the hurdle.

In his address to open the ordinary Diet session on January 20, Abe highlighte­d the importance of the security alliance with the US and called on Diet members to seriously debate constituti­onal revision.

A campaign policy for 2017, which the LDP unveiled on February 21, states that the party will take a specific step toward proposing a draft of constituti­onal revisions.

The LDP officially approved the campaign policy at its convention on Sunday. Also, it formalized a rule change to allow party leaders a third consecutiv­e three-year term, clearing the way for Abe to run again after his current tenure as party chief ends in September 2018. If the LDP stays in power, Abe would highly likely remain prime minister to fulfill his dream of rewriting Japan’s Constituti­on.

Japan will observe the 70th anniversar­y of the enforcemen­t of the Constituti­on this year, which Abe deems a good time for deliberati­ons on a new one.

The pro-amendment camp has a twothirds majority in both houses, enough to initiate constituti­onal revisions.

However, more than 50 percent of the interviewe­es in an opinion poll done by Mainichi Shimbun in January said there is no need to rush discussion on constituti­onal amendment in the Diet, as opposed to the 35 percent who wanted the Diet to speed up debate on the issue.

Public opinion matters for Abe’s dream of changing Japan’s Constituti­on, as any amendments would still have to be approved by a national referendum.

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