China Daily

Aboriginal leader to head teen prison abuse probe

Former judge resigns days after appointmen­t, citing lack of confidence


An Australian Aboriginal leader was on Monday appointed to investigat­e the abuse of teenagers at a detention center after the judge named to lead the inquiry resigned, saying he lacked the confidence of the indigenous community.

The government ordered the inquiry into the treatment of young offenders after video emerged of guards assaulting mostly indigenous boys in a Northern Territory detention center in 2014 and 2015.

Graphic footage showed teenagers being tear-gassed, stripped naked and roughly restrained at the Don Dale Center in Darwin, images that shocked Australian­s.

Snap protests were held on the weekend, calling for justice for the victims, one of whom was hooded and shackled to a chair for two hours in scenes compared to the treatment of suspects in Guantanamo Bay.

Attorney General George Brandis said two royal commission­ers would now head the inquiry — one of them indigenous leader Mick Gooda, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social justice commission­er on the government’s Human Rights Commission.

The appointmen­t of Gooda, who will co-chair the inquiry with former Supreme Court of Queensland justice Margaret White, comes after judge Brian Martin resigned on Monday, days after he was appointed to head the investigat­ion.

Aborigines comprise just 3 percent of Australia’s population but make up 27 percent of those in prison and 94 percent of juvenile inmates in the Northern Territory.

The Aboriginal community had complained it had not been sufficient­ly consulted on the inquiry, which was also expected to determine if race was a factor in the abuse.

Martin, formerly the chief justice of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, had previously denied his role in the territory’s justice system could be seen as a conflict of interest.

He said on Monday that he did not perceive “that there is any problem with bias, either actual or perception of bias, but others do”.

It had become apparent, he said, that he did not have “the full confidence of sections of the indigenous community”.

“As a consequenc­e, the effectiven­ess of the commission is likely to be compromise­d from the outset,” he told reporters.

“I am not prepared to proceed in the face of that risk. This royal commission is far too important.”

The attorney general stressed that Martin’s resignatio­n “does not imply that a royal commission conducted by him would have been tainted by either real or apprehende­d bias”.

The Australian Lawyers Alliance said it had no doubts as to Martin’s integrity, but welcomed his decision to stand down.

“It is essential that the new commission­er has no background in the Northern Territory justice system,” spokesman Greg Barns said in a statement.

 ?? JASON REED / REUTERS ?? Demonstrat­ors gather outside Sydney’s Town Hall to protest against alleged child abuse in Australia’s Northern Territory detention centers, on Saturday.
JASON REED / REUTERS Demonstrat­ors gather outside Sydney’s Town Hall to protest against alleged child abuse in Australia’s Northern Territory detention centers, on Saturday.

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