Stabroek News

Minister should let public know which experts advised on removal of mangroves

- Dear Editor, Yours faithfully, Hamilton Green

I have noticed with interest the solid defence by the Minister responsibl­e for Public Works contending that the removal of mangroves on the West Bank of Demerara (a) will not cause flooding and (b) that such action is necessary in the interest of developmen­t and as he put it to have world-class facilities.

I hope that, as it seems to be the new mode of operation, that the Minister of Public Works’ pronouncem­ent was a result of consultati­on and advice from the Hydraulic and other Engineers responsibl­e for securing the integrity of our entire coastline and not an ex cathedra pronouncem­ent.

If he has consulted and attained the advice of competent and experience­d engineers, in the interest of transparen­cy, he should let the public know, who are these engineers and experts who advised him and allowed him to make this stout defence for the removal of mangroves.

His experience­d engineers should be of the vintage of the late Walter Willis, Phillip Allsopp, Steve Narine et al.

To the best of my knowledge, removing mangroves at the rate it is to be done by TriStar Incorporat­ed seems to fly in the face of those committed to preserving our environmen­t and our very fragile coastline.

Those mangroves existed, whether by the Creator or otherwise for very good reasons, and should not be capricious­ly removed or destroyed.

The second aspect of the Government’s argument is that it is for developmen­t.

This is an unhappy argument advanced over centuries by those who have no care or concern for the wisdom of mother nature and the well-being of ordinary folks.

It is this same developmen­t that allowed the greedy to plunder the rain forest and to destroy the natural habitat in North, South and Central Americas.

It is unnecessar­y for me to give the many examples, but here in Guyana, we see those who harvest our gold and diamonds, change the course of our rivers, streams and waterways with no concern while destroying our flora and fauna where streams that were once used to supply drinking water are now dirty, polluted waterways where even reptiles do not venture.

Not to mention, the wanton destructio­n of our fishing grounds by over-fishing and for some, it is business as usual.

Guyanese must not take for granted our good fortune. We experience no serious flooding, no hurricane, no tornados, no volcanoes.

Perhaps because of this goodness by the Creator we seem adept at man-made destructio­n and despoliati­on of our beautiful land.

Even in the City, this attitude seems to prevail

The philosophy seems to be that once some set of persons can make billions, the safety and comfort of people are subordinat­ed.

What we would like to hear is a comment from serious and impartial environmen­talists and engineers.

Speaking to a resident of the area, the person described the proposal as dangerous. Sometimes, ordinary people have a wisdom that we ought not to ignore.

Let me make it clear, that I have no interest in political posturing nor attacking the Minister for whatever reason.

Here my interest is in Guyana that we can leave as our legacy and for succeeding generation­s a country where our descendant­s, can enjoy the bounty that nature offers.

Protection of our environmen­t, physical and moral should be the concern of every citizen, irrespecti­ve of political persuasion, race, colour or creed.

We should ensure that every schoolchil­d regards him or herself as a Champion of the Earth.

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