Stabroek News

Foulis father who stabbed son to death gets 20 years


Mohan Sookdeo who had stabbed his son Satesh to death at Foulis with a louvre pane after he intervened in an altercatio­n between his parents, was yesterday morning sentenced to 20 years behind bars by Justice Sandil Kissoon.

Initially indicted with the capital offence, Mohan called “Wine,” pleaded not guilty, but copped to the lesser charge of manslaught­er.

The apologetic man told the court, his wife and other children that he was sorry for his actions.

In a victim impact address to the court, Varshnie Sookdeo said that her family has still not gotten over the tragedy of losing her brother.

In an emotional address, she said to the court, “he [Mohan] is my father and I love him, but he has to face the consequenc­es.”

Relating the facts of the case, Prosecutor Tuanna Hardy had told the court that on the day in question Mohan was physically assaulting his wife when their son intervened.

It was at this point she said that Satesh was stabbed by his father with the broken louvre pane to the left side of his chest.

A post-mortem examinatio­n revealed that the young man died as a result of a perforatio­n of the lung due to a stab wound.

In passing sentence, Hardy asked the judge to consider the prevalence of domestic violence, the fact that Mohan was an alcoholic and the strong message of deterrence which needed to be sent to society.

She said that the deceased exhibited an act of bravery by coming to his mother’s rescue, for which he paid with his life.

According to reports, Satesh, 21, died in his mother’s arms.

Meanwhile, for his part Justice Kissoon said that the incident was particular­ly disturbing, describing it as a savage and brutal act of domestic violence.

The judge said that Satesh died performing an act every parent should be proud of, while stating that no person’s life should be taken in that manner.

Justice Kissoon opined that only God knew what Satesh’s last thoughts were after being stabbed.

From the 20-year sentence imposed, the judge ordered that the prison make deductions for time the offender would have spent behind bars awaiting trial.

Mohan was represente­d by attorney Maxwell McKay.

The indictment against Sookdeo stated that on September 8th, 2018 at Lot 217 Foulis, East Coast Demerara, he unlawfully killed his son, Satesh Sookdeo.

Residents in the area had told this newspaper that the elder Sookdeo and his wife would usually have arguments in which Satesh would intervene.

Reports indicate that this would occur whenever the Mohan consumed alcohol.

 ??  ?? Mohan Sookdeo
Mohan Sookdeo
 ??  ?? Satesh Sookdeo
Satesh Sookdeo

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