Stabroek News

Guineas and races


salaamed the ‘Burrah Sahib’ and his ‘Mem Sahib,’ and if allowed would go on their knees with their foreheads to the ground. Poor souls, an utterly different world was about to open to them. I again scanned their faces, after my experience on their leaving the ship; no, I could not call to recollecti­on the features of one half of them,”

Besides his hoard of gold guineas, Dr. Chapman also enjoyed a first-class passage provided by mail steamer from Britain to Calcutta, and on the completion of his Caribbean assignment, return travel to England.

On their last day on shore in Port-of-Spain, Captain Angel and his group “went to the races,” at the Queen’s Park Savannah, “a great local and West Indian event” showing “real sport, with splendid race horses, some being brought from the other islands, and Guiana, as this island (Trinidad) is chosen as the general racing rendezvous.” He confessed ship racing was more his forte “but I enjoyed the excitement” and “the evident enjoyment of the well-dressed crowd in attendance. Everybody was present from the Governor and his suite, with their ladies, and in gradations all the principal inhabitant­s of the island and visitors downwards; all resplenden­t - and the ladies’ dresses!”

Angel disclosed, “Our party made up a sweepstake for a goodly sum. They allowed my wife to choose her horse, and she chose the one with the prettiest name – ‘Village Belle’ supposed by the knowing ones to be a rank outsider. There was great excitement within our party on the grand stand, and amazement amongst the others, when the youngest son of our host kept shouting excitedly: ‘Village Belle, Village Belle! Mrs. Angel’s Village Belle leads -Village Belle wins — hurrah!’ It was the Derby of the races, and the mare was bred and owned by a Coolie (who had long ago concluded his contract on the estates), and who was seated on the grand stand not far from the Governor of the crown colony.”

ID is surprised that guineas cited in luxury fees is still quoted in the pricing and sale of fine horses at auction. Several famous equine races bear names like the 1000 Guineas Stakes, a prestigiou­s British event open to three-year-old fillies.

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