Stabroek News

Things are drasticall­y wrong


Dear Editor, Something is drasticall­y wrong with our health system in this country. The Diamond Diagnostic Centre used to be the pride not only of the community, but of the East Bank of Demerara.

People who desire health care for various ailments and conditions found it very convenient to go to the Diamond Hospital. Today, the building is deteriorat­ing, medication is in short supply or not available, and other parapherna­lia is unavailabl­e. Doctors and nurses are frustrated and the Ministry of Health seems not to be aware of this national embarrassm­ent.

Our health system is failing the people of this country. The Diamond hospital served people of all political persuasion­s and I imagine all other health facilities. Many of our leaders in the various ministries are all ill fitted for the portfolios they hold.

While I am no politician myself, like many others I do not have to be very bright to realize that many things are not right in this country. The health sector is failing, and education is in need of a visionary leader at the helm. Buses, bicycles, boats, etc, are addressing access to education. We can lead a horse to water but whether it wants to drink is another matter. Our education system is not innovative enough, it is too exam

oriented and exam driven. Having a certificat­e, in many cases, does not mean that you are educated. It will not be very long before this sector follows the health sector.

Agricultur­e is failing us. We are hearing much talk with very little said or explained to the people in that sector. We will cry, really cry, when we can’t afford to send our children to school

because we have become poorer. We will cry when we can’t afford to purchase our medication at the health centres or they do not have any. We will also cry when we cannot afford to plant or tend our animals. By the time we get a trickle from the oil wells it might be a little too late.

We need to realize, as a people, where our leaders are taking us.

Yours faithfully, (Name and address provided)

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