Stabroek News

Regent Street businessma­n killed in city crash


A businessma­n was killed early yesterday morning after he was struck off of his motorcycle by one of two vehicles that collided after their drivers failed to stop at the intersecti­on of Camp and Middle streets, Georgetown.

Derek Francis Mangal also known as ‘Branko,’ 45, of Lot 779 Block ‘X’ Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, sustained injuries to his head and about his body and was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.

Mangal was the owner of Emma’s Collection located in the Regent Multiplex Mall on Regent Street, Georgetown.

The incident occurred around 7.30 am.

The police said investigat­ions revealed that motorcar PPP 9843 was proceeding north along the western carriagewa­y whilst motorcar PPP 3751 was proceeding west along Middle Street.

“As the vehicles approached the intersecti­on both drivers failed to stop which resulted in the front of PPP 3751 colliding with the right side of PPP 9843, causing the latter to spin around and collide with Mangal who was proceeding east along the northern side of Middle Street,” the police in a press release explained.

As a result of the impact, Mangal pitched off his motorcycle, CF 4958, and was taken to the hospital where he died.

The drivers of both vehicles are in police custody assisting with investigat­ions. When contacted by this newspaper, a relative of the dead man said that he left home around 6 am yesterday to open his store. The relative said that he had just opened and was heading somewhere on his motorcycle when tragedy struck. “He left to open the store, park his car and use his bike that does usually park in town by the mall,” the relative explained.

According to informatio­n, Mangal may have been on his way to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA). The businessma­n’s family learnt of the incident after a man, who identified himself as an employee of GRA contacted them. “He say he was on the scene and he got his [Derek] phone, so he call we and tell we that he just got in accident let we go to the hospital now,” the relative said.

As a result, Mangal’s wife and daughter immediatel­y left for the hospital, but when they got there he had already been pronounced dead.

Mangal who was described as a very wellknown and jovial person leaves to mourn his wife, Rose Mangal and daughter Diandra Mangal, who is currently sitting the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificat­e exams.

 ??  ?? One of the vehicles, a Toyota Allion, that was involved in the incident.
One of the vehicles, a Toyota Allion, that was involved in the incident.
 ??  ?? The motorcycle, CF 4958, which Derek Mangal was riding at the time of the incident.
The motorcycle, CF 4958, which Derek Mangal was riding at the time of the incident.
 ??  ?? Dead: Derek Mangal
Dead: Derek Mangal

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