Stabroek News Sunday

The constituti­on is not our problem

- Dear Editor, Sincerely, Lincoln Lewis

Poor race relations lie not in the Guyana Constituti­on but in the hearts and minds of those who lack appreciati­on for cultural and ethnic diversity. In our political space it is the absence of political will. Some seek political mileage and cover for their racial intoleranc­e by trying to convince others that the racial problem in Guyana lies in the Constituti­on. They must take the moth out of their eyes. Inherent in the said constituti­on are basic rights inspired from United Nations Declaratio­ns, Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on Convention­s, amongst other internatio­nally acceptable principles. Guyana’s social, economic and political problems are not the function of the Constituti­on.

A constituti­on comprises declaratio­ns which are statements of intent that require the concomitan­t laws to be developed to make sure the intent is realised. This is where the absence of political will existsin the legislatur­e, executive, amongst some leaders of civil society and in the trade unions. The ease to speak about the problems in society equals the ease in ignoring the supreme law that could set about addressing the problems that ail society. The Constituti­on allows for conversati­ons on race and minimising racism through institutio­ns and actions. To ignore specific declaratio­ns such as Article 13, Article 149C, the constituti­onal commission­s and agencies that address issues of fundamenta­l rights and inclusion is to the nation’s peril. The Human Rights Commission is yet to be activated. The Ethnic Relations Commission has been hindered from functionin­g consistent with the spirit and intent that realised its inclusion in the Constituti­on.

Article 13, which speaks to establishi­ng a political system built on inclusiona­ry democracy, is yet to realise any legislatio­n. The devolution of power to the regional and local government organs, consistent with the Constituti­on has seen no significan­t movement, has not moved beyond a Bill which was brought to the National Assembly during the Desmond Hoyte administra­tion but never got out of the parliament­ary select committee. Every day foreign nationals are coming to our shores to seek to exploit the opportunit­ies from our natural resources. Since oil and gas, many have become carpetbagg­ers, and are being enticed by the Government with huge tax concession­s and prime pieces of land, whilst the working poor continue to shoulder the nation’s tax burdens and many wait donkey years to get a 50 x 100 feet house lot in some underdevel­oped area.

Bharrat Jagdeo recently announced there will be the importing of labour to fill jobs in oil and gas. The audacity. This nation had five years to get prepared but was instead held hostage to political immaturity. Voices of yours truly, the Guyana Trades Union Congress, and others calling for a national approach, that would be inclusive of all stakeholde­rs in society, to properly prepare Guyanese to productive­ly engage in the industry fell on deaf ears. There is no reason why from 2015 to now Guyana could not have produced a significan­t number of artisans and semi-skilled workers to meet the new job demands. Enough time is not being spent to put this nation and the people’s interest first. The masses, knowingly or unknowingl­y, have become pawns in the divisive politics and greed propagated by a few. If we don’t get our act together, sooner rather than later, many Guyanese will become second class citizens in their homeland, employed in low paying jobs, or either underemplo­yed or unemployed.

Guyana is facing a political crisis of epic proportion­s. Guyanese are being burdened with leaders who lack vision and could only see developmen­t through a process of marginalis­ing persons, discrimina­ting against groups, and using the resources of the state as handouts to family, friends, supporters, and cohorts. I reiterate, the Guyana Constituti­on is not our problem. Nobody has gone through this constituti­on and pointed us to where any of the declaratio­ns enshrined within excludes or militates against the right of any racial group or individual, prevent the participat­ion of any ethnic group, or shut out persons from involvemen­t in the management and decision-making processes of the State that impact their wellbeing. It is time to admit the dysfunctio­n, mistrust, divisive and rapacious governing lies not in the Constituti­on but in the absence of political will, to be good to those who are seen as threats or who are perceived to be different looking. It lies in the quest for power to dominate, to control and to deny. It is mean spirited and rooted in supremacis­ts’ belief systems cultivated from young, in the homes, religious institutio­ns and various enclaves. Those who are historical­ly victims of racism and ethnic supremacy are too busy trying to be treated fairly though defensive racism is real and has also played a part in how we treat each other.

The Constituti­on is not our problem. Shared government, government of national unity, inclusive government or whatever we want to call the type of government that gives every group a seat at the table, requires all be treated with respect and dignity, is already enshrined in the Constituti­on. We the people must advocate for same and hold the political operatives responsibl­e for making it realisable.

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