Stabroek News Sunday

Unscrupulo­us contractor­s make building a house a horror story


everything was okay. I smiled and calmly said all was well for now. I could see the instant change in his mood.”

She led the meeting going through the independen­t report and requesting immediate feedback on what went wrong from the contractor. She also submitted her spreadshee­t and discussed the various aspects.

“This house is my life’s investment and he looked at me and said the men he put on the job failed me. I hired a contractor to do a job and he turns around and says to me the men he hired failed me. You can’t make this stuff up but it’s happening all over this country. Where is government oversight when you need it?”

It was at this stage of the project that she indicated work would cease.

“That was unacceptab­le for me and I told him so. I am paying him millions of borrowed money and I don’t expect substandar­d work. If there was a regulatory authority to report these issues to, I would not have hesitated because accountabi­lity is seriously lacking in this sector.”

During further investigat­ions she discovered the contractor was building six other houses. This is after committing to a timeline for her which he has since revised.

“This probably sounds like a broken record, but I would advise any first-time home builder to be careful, doubly so if you’re a woman and or you’re young. Do the research, vet them, ask people about them and stay on top of things. I have to keep reminding myself that even if I had hired an engineer as a project manager this is still my project. I can’t abdicate the responsibi­lity to maintain control.”

She added, “Most people build only one house in their lifetime and in Guyana that process is demanding even for those who actually have knowledge and experience of the process. I had to learn the hard way to step up and take real control through every stage. It’s not easy but I may not build a second home so it’s important to get it right this time.”

I will continue to follow this young woman’s building project and may do another piece following completion. For now, ladies listen to her advice and be careful if you are about to start that building project. Think wisely, act smartly and if you can, rely on trusted advice.

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