Kathimerini English

Allies in the great struggle


The pandemic, war, the climate crisis, high prices, unfettered technology all contribute to the widening of inequality and greater insecurity in the world. We may be connected with each other as never before, but tensions within societies and between nations are rising. Nothing can be taken for granted.

We are all called on – nations and individual­s – to choose whether we will fight to survive with all our resources or whether we will pretend that there is no reason to change mentality and behavior. In Greece, it would appear that we are beginning to understand the danger.

The spread of autocratic regimes, along with the currents of reaction and isolationi­sm in democratic countries, are symptoms of the weakening of the systems of global governance and also obstacles to their reinforcem­ent. Global problems can be solved only by global agreement and collective action. That is why the most important struggle today is for the existence of a credible system of cooperatio­n. The mechanisms of global governance exist. They need to be strengthen­ed, to gain people’s trust, with more countries taking an active part in them, with those breaking internatio­nal law facing real punishment. Today the United States is taking steps in this direction, with an emphasis on defending democracy and human rights. President Joe Biden has set a high standard for America itself and for many of its allies. And yet, however difficult or idealistic the call for collective action may seem, this is the only way for humanity to avoid worse troubles.

The disputes that will shape the future are not limited to Ukraine, Cyprus, the Aegean and anywhere else where internatio­nal law must be seen to be stronger than the desires of the mighty. The great battle concerns the effort to instill a sense of trust, justice and equality among nations. That is why the most important message in Kyriakos Mitsotakis’ excellent address to a Joint Session of Congress this week may have been his commitment that the Greeks stand with the people of the United States so that “the dream of freedom for every human being on this planet will never die.” He spoke as an ally in a war that transcends borders and states. Implicit in his committing Greece to this struggle was that the United States should hold firm to the vision of freedom and democracy.

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