Deutsche Welle (English edition)

Nigeria's Twitter ban exposes deep rift

Nigeria's Twitter suspension has cut off an estimated 40 million users. The ban, while celebrated by some, has caused a global outcry over freedom of expression and put a spotlight on the nation's north-south divide.


Social media companies wishing to operate in Nigeria must register as a local entity and be licensed, the country's informatio­n minister, Lai Mohammed, said this week.

"We are insisting that for you to operate in Nigeria you must first be a Nigerian company and be licensed by the broadcasti­ng commission," Mohammed said, referring to social media firms.

The move followed a ban placed by the Nigerian government on the microblogg­ing and social networking service Twitter. Authoritie­s allege that the platform was being used to destabiliz­e the country by spreading disinforma­tion.

"Twitter has consistent­ly made its platform available to those who are threatenin­g Nigeria's corporate existence; that is the reason for suspending their operations in Nigeria," Mohammed said.

The decision came days after Twitter deleted a tweet by Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari. The reason given was that the tweet threatened secessioni­st groups in the southeast that the government claims were responsibl­e for attacks on government and electoral offices.

Civil war comparison­s

In the 1960s, Nigeria waged

war on one of those groups, which had declared itself the Republic of Biafra.

In the deleted tweet, Buhari compared the ensuing devastatin­g civil war — which killed more than 1 million people — to recent attacks on offices of the national electoral commission.

Buhari threatened to "treat" those who vandalized the electoral offices "in the language they understand."

"Many of those misbehavin­g today are too young to be aware of the destructio­n and loss of lives that occurred during the Nigerian Civil War," Buhari's tweet read.

The president used to be an army general who fought on behalf of the federal government against the Biafra separatist­s.

The tweet was still online even after several users urged Twitter to remove it. Some saw the tweet as "a threat of genocide" against the predominan­tly Igbo ethnic group in Nigeria's southeast. After Twitter removed it, it said the tweet violated its "abusive behavior" policy.

Biafra wounds

Today, renewed calls for secession have gained momentum online, pushed by an army of activists who use social media platforms like Twitter to disseminat­e informatio­n.

"More than 120 million Nigerians have access to the internet and nearly 40 million of them have a Twitter account — 20% of the population," according to Lagos-based researcher NOI Polls.

This call for a split in the country has irked many in the country's north, including the president, who is also a northerner.

The government's main line of argument to defend its ban is that Twitter allows secessioni­sts to disseminat­e informatio­n that undermines the country's stability while blocking the president's remark.

"We found out that Twitter is the platform of choice for a particular separatist leader who resides outside the country and issues directives to his members to attack symbols of government authoritie­s such as the police, military, electoral commission offices, correction­al centers, etc.," Lai Mohammed said.

"This is being done willfully and consistent­ly, without any consequenc­es from Twitter. No country that wants to survive would tolerate that and no company, no matter its self-importance, would force a nation to accept this."

The person meant is Nnamdi Kanu, the de facto leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) movement. Kanu, a British Nigerian, was arrested for spearheadi­ng a renewed call for Biafra's independen­ce, but he secretly fled the country while on bail. His exact whereabout­s are unknown, but some assume he is hiding in Israel.

"Twitter gives the upper hand to the other parties, who are against Nigeria," political analyst Abdullai Mohamed Koli told DW.

"IPOB and so many other bad associatio­ns are against the corporate existence of Nigeria."

Twitter ban reaction

Twitter users in Nigeria expressed outrage at the ban and warned that Africa's most populous nation was slipping into repression. Many bypassed the suspension by using virtual private networks (VPNs) to access the service, which has become the default platform to criticize the government.

"This is a clear violation by the Nigerian government or is an attempt by the Nigerian government to deprive the rights of the ordinary citizen in expressing their own voice regarding to governance system, on how the government governs its own citizens," said political activist Ibrahim Adamu.

"Twitter and all other social media platforms are the last alternativ­es for the common man to express their own mind or to communicat­e between the citizens and their own leaders," Adamu told DW.

"When these platforms are blocked, there is no way that ordinary citizens can communicat­e with their leaders."

However, in a series of social media posts by DW's Hausa service, many users hailed the ban.

"Twitter has despised my country and our president," wrote Itz Khaleed Bin Muhammad on the Facebook page of DW Hausa.

"We love our country and we want to live in unity and they do not want that. We hope the government should expel them completely."

Nura Haruna Maikarfe Fta also wrote: "Even though I am not a supporter of the Buhari administra­tion, its response towards Twitter is a good one, considerin­g what I call open lack of respect of the platform to the presidency of our country."

Analyst Abdullahi Mohamed Koli also supports the government's new directives requiring so-called over-the-top (OTTs) services to register locally.

"For many, it has been a welcome idea by the Nigerian government. They have not been following the due process, the rules and regulation­s of the NBC [National Broadcasti­ng Cooperatio­n]," Abdullahi said.

"They do not have any office in Nigeria, they are not paying tax in Nigeria and they refuse to register in Nigeria. A lot of irregulari­ties have been happening under no regulation­s of the activities of social media in Nigeria."

However, some northerner­s were against the ban.

"This action is a violation of human rights, and it will not be effective because the proper channel has not been followed, therefore the law does not necessaril­y apply," wrote Ahmed Mohammed in one of DW Hausa's posts.

"I do not support this kind of banning because Twitter is the most verified social media outfit," Muhammadu Ibrahim, a youth in Bauchi city, told DW.

"Despite the fact that I do not support the ban, I also do not support the action of Twitter to delete the president's tweet. I disagree with it because he is the number one citizen of this country."

Freedom of expression on the line?

Legal pundits in Nigeria said the Twitter ban violates the freedom of expression guaranteed by the country's constituti­on.

"I consider this new directive very detrimenta­l to Nigeria and Nigerians," Baba Dala, a constituti­onal lawyer, told DW.

"I think the unilateral decisions of sending them away will go a long way ... but won't stop the enthusiasm of Nigerians."

Nigeria's bar associatio­n was hoping to file a court motion to lift the ban, but an ongoing nationwide strike by judiciary staff prohibited lawyers from taking further action.

Nigeria's 40 million Twitter users are primarily young southerner­s who use the platform to hold their government to account.

In 2020, the microblogg­ing platform provided protesters with a means to communicat­e and spread publicity during the #EndSARS protests, which were originally aimed at the notorious Special Anti Robbery Squad (SARS) police unit but later metamorpho­sed into demonstrat­ions targeting governance and corruption.

President Buhari also has an active Twitter account with 4.1 million followers.

 ??  ?? President Buhari's government is being accused by some of repressing freedom of speech with its Twitter ban
President Buhari's government is being accused by some of repressing freedom of speech with its Twitter ban
 ??  ?? Campaigns for an independen­t Biafra state have been gaining momentum
Campaigns for an independen­t Biafra state have been gaining momentum

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