Deutsche Welle (English edition)

EU launches infringeme­nt proceeding­s against Germany for bond-buying challenge

The European Commission has said it is investigat­ing whether the German Constituti­onal Court challenged the EU's legal supremacy by ruling that an EU-backed economic stimulus program was contrary to German law.


The European Commission sent official notice to Berlin

on Wednesday that it would begin a legal procedure after determinin­g Germany's Constituti­onal Court oversteppe­d in a ruling over the European Central Bank's (ECB) bond purchasing program.

The ruling by the German court suggested the European Court of Justice's (ECJ) stance on an ECB stimulus program was not in line with Germany's constituti­on.

The case is the first such instance of the German Constituti­onal Court going against a finding by the European Court of Justice.

The EU claims the German high court ruling could pose a threat to the jurisdicti­on of the European Court of Justice over the 27-nation bloc.

What is the issue with the

German court's ruling?

In May 2020, the German Constituti­onal Court ruled that an ECB stimulus program, namely a multi-billion Euro bond purchasing program, was in part contrary to the German constituti­on.

The German court ruling

echoed the political sentiment in Berlin where opposition to debt sharing is widespread.

The ECJ warned at the time that the German court's ruling risked jeopardizi­ng the European court's legal standing not just within Germany but other member states within the bloc.

As a result, the Commission has stepped in to address the German Constituti­onal Court ruling challengin­g the ECJ decision

What will the European Commission do?

The European Commission formally notified Berlin in a letter Wednesday that it was launching legal proceeding­s over the matter. Unlike the German court, the ECJ had ruled the bondbuying program was in line with EU law.

In its notice to Berlin, the Commission wrote, "The judgment of the German Constituti­onal Court constitute­s a serious precedent, both for the future practice of the German Constituti­onal court itself, and for the supreme and constituti­onal courts and tribunals of other member states".

With the formal notificati­on, Germany has two months to respond. An "infringeme­nt letter" is the first step in a process that can

 ??  ?? Germany is generally wary of debt-sharing schemes in the EU
Germany is generally wary of debt-sharing schemes in the EU

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