EuroNews (English)

Four people die due to extreme heat in Italy: Who is most at risk when hot weather strikes Europe?

- Lottie Limb

Four people have died in Italy this week due to extreme heat, with temperatur­es reaching 38 degrees Celsius in Rome.

Multiple regions are under red high temperatur­e warnings, which are expected until the end of the month across parts of the Mediterran­ean.

Last month, unusually hot weather killed six tourists in Greece, as experts predict another record-hot year driven by climate change. But it can be hard to gauge how dangerous heatwaves are to you in particular.

A new tool seeks to bridge that gap by forecastin­g how likely you are to die when hot weather hits different places in Europe. The data is based on age and sex.

Weather and public health both impact heatwave risks

Around 70,000 people died from heat-related causes during summer 2022 in Europe, according to researcher­s at the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal). The same team has taken past mortality data and combined it with weather forecasts to create this first-of-its-kind tool, which it hopes will save lives in future.

“Until now, temperatur­e warnings have been solely based on the physical informatio­n of weather forecasts, and therefore, they ignore the difference­s in vulnerabil­ity to heat and cold among population groups,” explains Joan Ballester Claramunt, principal investigat­or of the adaptation group at ISGlobal. Hottest summer ever? Experts reveal what could be in store for Europe in the next few months

“The problem is that this informatio­n is the same for everybody,” he says, “while in reality the impacts are different.” The Barcelona-based scientists’ system “changes this paradigm” by shifting the focus from meteorolog­y to epidemiolo­gy - the study of disease and other public health concerns.

With extreme weather on the rise, they say epidemiolo­gical models are essential to developing new, impact-based early warning


Launched online today, is the first panEuropea­n, publicly available platform to predict the actual mortality risks of temperatur­es for different demographi­cs.

Who is most at risk during heatwaves?

Ambient temperatur­es are associated with over five million premature deaths worldwide every year, with more than 300,000 of these in Western Europe alone, according to ISGlobal.

Our vulnerabil­ity to heat is influenced by a number of factors, including sex and age.

“We know, for example, that women are more susceptibl­e to heat than men, and that the risk of death for both heat and cold increases with age,” says Marcos Quijal-Zamorano, researcher at ISGlobal and one of the authors of the system.

Looking ahead to 30 June, for example, gives an extreme heat warning for women in the Campobasso region of Italy, and a high one for men. The forecast is extreme for both sexes aged 75-84 in the nearby Potenza, but only a low heat warning is issued for those aged 65-74 in this region.

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Why are women more at risk of dying in heatwaves?

“I'm not 100 per cent sure that all old women are aware that they have more risk than men. And maybe if they knew it, they might change things,” Ballester tells Euronews Green.

There are a number of factors behind this phenomenon, he explains. Socioecono­mics provides some answers: women tend to have lower salaries, therefore have fewer resources like air conditioni­ng to protect themselves. They are more frequently widowed and so more likely to live alone and be isolated from help.

It’s also important to understand that heatwaves typically kill through comorbidit­ies - underlying conditions such as obesity, diabetes, infectious diseases and cancer - on which the heat acts as an additional, fatal stressor.

In men, these comorbidit­ies appear at younger ages - so younger men are actually more vulnerable to heat than younger women. As more women survive and, as a group, have a longer life expectancy, they become more vulnerable in older age.

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How can scientists predict heatwave deaths? draws on the mortality database of the EUfunded research project EARLYADAPT, which currently holds data for 580 regions in 31 European countries.

People can enter the date for which they want to see health prediction­s within the next two weeks, and filter by population subgroups.

The tool then displays a map showing warnings for the 580 regions with colour codes indicating four levels of heat- and cold-related mortality risk: low, moderate, high and extreme.

There are real numbers behind this, Ballester explains. The epidemiolo­gical models calculate the percentage of deaths attributed to temperatur­e for a given forecast. An extreme warning means that the temperatur­e is predicted to cause more than 20 per cent of the deaths tomorrow.

How can the heatwave mortality map help save lives?

In most countries, heatwave warnings are issued by the meteorolog­ical agency, amplified by the media and acted on by public health officials and the public.

The ISGlobal team isn’t seeking to change this system - but the informatio­n itself. Understand­ing how the same temperatur­e kills or impacts people’s health differentl­y enables us to make more informed decisions, says Ballester.

“I'm always thinking about my father, who is 95. And even if he has a son who is an epidemiolo­gist, and I always tell [him about the age difference], he's not aware of the risk that it implies for him.

“So I imagine that for the general population, there is a lot of lack of knowledge about these issues,” he adds. “‘Through the awareness, this tool also aims to change some of these habits.”

“We need to provide warnings adapted to the characteri­stics of each person,” Ballester believes. If not, “we are not doing our best to prevent deaths.”

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The scientists want to build a multi-hazard platform

Eventually, the plan is to develop into a multihazar­d platform for Europe and the rest of the world.

Over the next few months and years, the researcher­s will be expanding it in different directions, firstly by adding new countries and smaller regions to the platform once new data is acquired.

The tool is also expected to build new epidemiolo­gical models to incorporat­e health warnings for several air pollutants, such as particulat­e matter, ozone or nitrogen dioxide.

Finally, the platform will also issue warnings for specific causes of death - such as cardiovasc­ular and respirator­y diseases - and for other health outcomes, such as hospital admissions and occupation­al accidents.

“Our approach crucially depends on the availabili­ty of health data to fit our epidemiolo­gical models. We are eager to add additional health outcomes for more countries or smaller regions, either from Europe or in other continents, if data is provided to us,” adds Ballester.

 ?? ?? A woman tries to cool herself while waiting for a bus on a hot day in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 20 June 2024.
A woman tries to cool herself while waiting for a bus on a hot day in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 20 June 2024.
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