EuroNews (English)

Kenya is gripped by deadly malaria. Could a new locally produced drug be gamechange­r?

- Roselyne Min

Malaria is a life-threatenin­g disease caused by parasites transmitte­d to humans through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes.

It is preventabl­e and curable, but poverty makes it deadly for those who can’t afford treatment. In Kenya, it continues to leave a trail of loss and grief.

According to the World Health Organizati­on (WHO), the country had an estimated 5 million malaria cases and over 12,000 deaths in 2022.

Most of those affected are children under 5 and pregnant women. Winnie Akinyi, who lives in western Kenya, recently lost her sister Rosebella who fell ill in December and lost her five-month pregnancy before her death.

She says it was the latest of five deaths in her family attributed to malaria.

"It's incredibly painful for us. Malaria, a treatable illness, has claimed the lives of two family members who couldn't access treatment in time. Another loved one has fallen victim," she said. "We're left wondering how we can conquer malaria and put an end to its devastatin­g impact".

Akinyi is now a guardian of Rosebella’s 11-year-old son, the only survivor in the family.

Access to treatment remains a challenge

With public hospitals often grappling with medication shortages, and private facilities demanding exorbitant fees for care, access to treatment remains a challenge for people in Kenya. "Most government facilities don't offer the exact medication that is doing away with the sickness of the malaria parasite," said Wilson Otieno Ogola, a 33-year-old accountant who has been admitted to a hospital three times for malaria and has received outpatient treatment countless times.

It's incredibly painful for us. Malaria, a treatable illness, has claimed the lives of two family members who couldn't access treatment in time. Another loved one has fallen victim. Winnie Akinyi Lost family members to malaria

"In major cases, people opt to go to private facilities where they are going to get faster medication and a quality medication but it is never pocket-friendly," Ogola added.

The situation frustrates healthcare workers.

"There are a lot of instances where you'd like, as a healthcare worker you would like to give the drug of choice for the first line which is artesunate but because of unavailabi­lity or it’s just too costly for a population, most times we prescribe the drug but the patients don't get it from the pharmacy due to either unavailabi­lity or the cost," said Oswal Omondi, a medical officer at Nightingal­e Hospital Kisumu.

Beyond healthcare system shortcomin­gs, Humphrey Kizito Otieno, who has lost both parents and six siblings to malaria, says cultural beliefs are in part to blame for delays in seeking treatment. "Families believe so much in witchcraft, you find somebody is suffering from malaria, the symptoms are glaring but then a family would think that their child has been bewitched,” Otieno, a mortality surveillan­ce field officer at Kenya Medical Research

Institute (KEMRI), said.

"So, instead of seeking medication, the correct medication, they look for alternativ­e ways of treating, like visiting religious people.

Before you know it, this parasite has grown and has overwhelme­d the person".

Local manufactur­e of a crucial antimalari­al drug

Some progress has been made as the WHO approved the Kenyabased Universal Corporatio­n Limited to produce a crucial antimalari­al drug known as sulfadoxin­e-pyrimetham­ine plus amodiaquin­e, or Spaq.

The local manufactur­ing is expected to reduce reliance on imports from India and China and ensure timely access to medication­s.

"To increase self-sufficienc­y on the continent, with the stamp of WHO approval, it means that we are also internatio­nally certified again as a quality manufactur­er," Palu Dhanani, the founder and managing director of Universal Corporatio­n Limited, said.

"And because the continent's problem, malaria is one of the biggest challenges, it will really help in lowering the dependency for imports as we saw during the COVID era where whatever was being imported actually had huge supply disruption­s and malaria is such a thing that if you don't get the right medicine at the right time we all know it can cause unnecessar­y deaths".

But experts stress the urgent need for increased investment in the pharmaceut­ical sector to address diseases affecting low and middleinco­me countries.

"If we get more investment in manufactur­ing of medicines and essential medicines, including antimalari­al, where the problem is, then we are likely to be more effective in addressing the problem, instead of relying heavily on importatio­n of medicines. Africa is highly dependent on imports from India and China and that is not sustainabl­e," said Michael Mungoma, the dean of the School of Pharmacy at Mount Kenya University.

 ?? ?? In 2023, the WHO approved the Kenya-based Universal Corporatio­n Limited to produce a crucial antimalari­al drug known as sulfadoxin­e-pyrimetham­ine plus amodiaquin­eq.
In 2023, the WHO approved the Kenya-based Universal Corporatio­n Limited to produce a crucial antimalari­al drug known as sulfadoxin­e-pyrimetham­ine plus amodiaquin­eq.
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