EuroNews (English)

Von der Leyen pitches plan to shield EU from foreign interferen­ce if re-elected

- Mared Gwyn Jones

It comes as the bloc braces itself for a potential wave of disinforma­tion in the run up to June’s European elections, and amid fears it is profoundly unprepared to tackle new forms of hybrid warfare.

In a speech delivered at the Copenhagen Democracy Summit on Tuesday morning, von der Leyen said she was "concerned" about the rise of disinforma­tion and foreign interferen­ce in Europe, warning that the "core tenets of our democracy" were under attack. Speaking in her capacity as lead candidate for the centre-right European People's Party (EPP)which is topping the pan-EU poll she promised to set up a European Democracy Shield to bolster the bloc's capabiliti­es to fight foreign influence if she secures a second term as Commission president.

The Shield would be tasked with detecting and removing online disinforma­tion - building on the work of the EU's digital rulebook, the Digital Services Act (DSA) - and "inoculatin­g" the bloc against malign influence by enabling Europeans to recognise threats.

The 65-year-old referenced the proliferat­ion of fake news and AIgenerate­d deep-fakes, as well as reports that foreign government­s are "buying influence and causing chaos" in parliament­s across Europe as some of her greatest concerns.

Since last month, a sprawling investigat­ion is underway into allegation­s that an undefined number of European parliament­arians - including members of the far-right

Alternativ­e for Germany (AfD) party - received money from Kremlinbac­ked actors to spread Russian propaganda.

It has sharpened fears that the Kremlin is actively looking to destabilis­e European societies in the run-up to June's vote.

"We have seen far-right politician­s and lead candidates from AfD in Germany in the pockets of Russia," von der Leyen said on Tuesday. "They are selling their souls on Russian propaganda outlets and videos."

The bloc is currently preparing to slap sanctions against four proKremlin entities suspected of spreading propaganda in the bloc as part of its 14th package of sanctions against Russia.

They include Voice of Europe, the media entity sanctioned by Czech authoritie­s in late March after it was busted as a Russian propaganda operation with regular access to sitting MEPs, predominan­tly from the far-right Identity and Democracy (ID) group or non-attached members.

Also last month, an aide of a Member of the European Parliament (MEP) from the AfD party was arrested on suspicion of spying for China. The case is currently in the hands of

Germany's Federal Prosecutor.

Von der Leyen slammed the malign manipulati­on as a means of "giving cover and encouragem­ent to the more dangerous extremes in our societies."

She also expressed concern over the raft of cyber attacks waged against European countries in recent weeks. In the first days of May only, Berlin has revealed how e-mail accounts belonging to Chancellor Olaf Scholz were compromise­d by Russian hackers last year, while the European Parliament has also raised the alarm over a data breach involving job applicants.

Reports have also emerged that Russia is disrupting satellite navigation systems needed for civilian flights in Europe, also known as GPS jamming. It forced Finland's national carrier Finnair to suspend flights to the Estonian city of Tartu for a month due to persistent GPS interrupti­on - both countries share a border with Russia.

Von der Leyen's own campaign website became the target of an orchestrat­ed attack by bots on May 7.

She said these coordinate­d attacks were part of a broader plan to weaken Europe's "resilience" and commitment to supporting Ukraine.

Europe unprepared

The European Shield is also designed to fill a conspicuou­s gap in Europe's capabiliti­es to address new forms of hybrid warfare, including disinforma­tion campaigns.

While France and Sweden have national agencies mandated to monitor and protect against foreign interferen­ce, the EU is seen as profoundly unprepared to tackle disinforma­tion campaigns designed to foster division and fuel anti-European sentiment.

EPP sources say that neither the EU nor its member states are prepared because of a significan­t lack of investment and resources.

The bloc's diplomatic arm, the EEAS, has aimed to lead EU efforts to fight foreign informatio­n manipulati­on and interferen­ce, targeted specifical­ly at Russian propaganda campaigns.

But the EEAS' efforts are mainly targeted at identifyin­g such campaigns, and do not propose measures to tackle and dismantle the operations beyond a mere "toolbox" for member states.

Von der Leyen said her next Commission's new initiative would build on the work carried out under the DSA to oblige platforms to take down fake news and provide more transparen­cy on political advertisin­g.

But she said that despite the efforts of the EU's new AI Act - a world-first bill to regulate fastmoving artificial intelligen­ce technologi­es - the bloc needs to "strengthen" its approach to

tackling deep-fakes, often used to fabricate audio and video content of political figures.

She also said that bolstering media literacy and attuning Europeans to propaganda operations, or "prebunking," will be a priority. "Instead of treating an infection once it has taken hold, that’s the de-bunking, it is better to vaccinate, so that our body is inoculated," she explained. "Because disinforma­tion relies on people passing it on to others - it is essential that people know what malign informatio­n’s influence is and what the techniques look like. As that knowledge goes up - our chances of being influenced go down. And that builds up the societal resilience that we will need."

 ?? ?? European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks during the democracy summit Copenhagen Democracy Summit in Copenhagen, Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks during the democracy summit Copenhagen Democracy Summit in Copenhagen, Tuesday, May 14, 2024.
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