The Fiji Times

Marawa takes on domestic violence!


I CONGRATULA­TE Miss Nasinu 2024 Vinaina Marawa for her accomplish­ment!

I salute her for her commitment in advocating the issue of domestic violence which she feels is serious in Fiji.

Miss Marawa shared her experience­s of being a victim of domestic violence. Both she and her family understand what it is like to be the victim, so she has taken the lead.

This is a bold step for her as she has chosen to be an agent of change.

Through her week-long role as a contestant, she was able to reach out to members in her community and Ɲnd out the issues they faced and areas that they felt needed help.

May I request the Nasinu beauty to add the following to her dish – teenage pregnancy, drugs, HIV amongst the young, truancy and deteriorat­ing youth behaviour!

At the outset, thank you The Fiji Times for the wonderful coverage on this year’s Nasinu Festival which was a success. Excitement is brewing as we count days to the Hibiscus Festival. The Back in History pages have added glamour to the upcoming Hibiscus Festival.

Jake Wise shared an interestin­g article titled “Record amount for Hibiscus Charity chest” (FT 28/08), while Namrata Lata penned a beautiful piece titled “Adi Bogi Ni Taukei” (FT: 30/08).

These articles, thanks to The Fiji Times archives, bring back soothing and hearttouch­ing memories from the glorious days of the Hibiscus Festival!


Nadawa, Nasinu

 ?? Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU ?? Miss Nasinu 2024 Vinaina Marawa on the catwalk to acknowledg­e the crowd during crowning night last week.
Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU Miss Nasinu 2024 Vinaina Marawa on the catwalk to acknowledg­e the crowd during crowning night last week.
 ?? Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU ?? Miss Nasinu Town Council Vinaina Marawa, centre, is crowned Miss Nasinu 2024 by former queen Irinieta MacKinlay during the crowning night on Saturday last week.
Picture: ELIKI NUKUTABU Miss Nasinu Town Council Vinaina Marawa, centre, is crowned Miss Nasinu 2024 by former queen Irinieta MacKinlay during the crowning night on Saturday last week.

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