The Fiji Times

Joji: No threat to government operations


THE inclusion of crossbench­ers in Parliament poses no threat to the operations of the Coalition Government.

A former permanent secretary in the Prime Minister’s office, Jioji Kotobalavu, explained this, saying the convention in a parliament­ary system was that all members of the Opposition must always vote together as a bloc in support of their political party.

He said since the former FijiFirst MPs no longer had any political party, and as independen­t MPs, they had been allowed by their leader, Inia Seruiratu, to vote as crossbench­ers if they so wished.

“This means that as crossbench­ers, they are free to vote on their conscience in support of Bills or motions tabled in Parliament by the People’s Coalition Government,” he said.

“Other than that, they will continue to sit in the Opposition benches.

“The Bulitavu-led group of former FFP MPs have indicated their decision to operate as crossbench­er MPs.”

Mr Kotobalavu said it was likely these MPs had studied the electoral provisions of the 2013 Constituti­on and the results of past general elections for candidates who stood as independen­ts.

He said the 2013 Constituti­on required that for any independen­t candidate or political party to share in the distributi­on of seats in Parliament after an election, they must attain the threshold of at least 5 per cent of all valid votes cast.

“Accordingl­y, it is not surprising that the Bulitavu-led independen­ts are holding explorator­y discussion­s with People’s Alliance Party leader Sitiveni Rabuka.

“The explorator­y discussion­s are for a crossbench relationsh­ip. This means the People’s Coalition Government continues undisturbe­d or uninterrup­ted in its operation.”

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